Op 25 april is Lieke Hoogenboom verkozen tot Cingel-Topper 2013. Lieke is 2e jaars student Leidinggevende Bakkerij, niveau 4. De jury was lovend over Lieke haar presentatie, haar kwaliteiten en persoonlijkheid.
Een aantal bevindingen uit het juryrapport:
- Lieke zet zich voor 200% in en wil zichzelf continu uitdagen en haar vakkennis vergroten. Naast haar deelname aan
vakwedstrijden, heeft Lieke met veel lef een top stage voor zichzelf geregeld.
- Lieke is op Regiokampioen geworden op de regiokampioenschappen van stichting Jeugdvakwedstrijden.
- Passie voor het vak zat er bij Lieke al van kindsaf aan in. Ze begint letterlijk te stralen als het over Patisserie gaat.
- Lieke toont grote betrokkenheid bij school, haar opleiding en haar stage. De toppersprijs wil ze voor een deel besteden aan een
speciale lamp voor school, voor 'suikertrekken'. - Een vrolijke, correcte en energieke student die oprecht dankbaar is voor de begeleiding die docenten en stagebeleiders haar geven.
Lieke was blij verrast met haar benoeming tot Cingel Topper 2013: 'wauw met 20 uitroeptekens'.
Op naar de ROC West-Brabant Toppersverkiezing in september, waar Lieke ongetwijfeld zal opvallen door haar passie en vakmanschap.
On 25 april Lieke hoogenboom elected Cingel-Topper 2013. Lieke is 2nd year student Leading Bakery, level 4. The jury was full of praise for her presentation, her qualities and Lieke personality.Some findings from the jury report:Ali is committed for 200% in and wants to increase its professional knowledge and continuously challenge itself. In addition to its participation in Lieke vakwedstrijden, with a lot of guts a top internship arranged for themselves.Lucia is on Region become champion on the region Championships by Jeugdvakwedstrijden Foundation.-Passion for the job was already his in Lieke. They literally starts to shine when it comes to Patisserie.-Lieke shows great commitment to school, her training and her internship. The toppersprijs she wants to spend in part a Special lamp for school, for ' sugar '. -A cheerful, correct and energetic student who sincerely grateful for the guidance teachers and stagebeleiders her.Lieke was pleasantly surprised with her appointment as Cingel Topper 2013: ' Wow ' with 20 exclamation marks.On to the ROC West-Brabant Toppers election in september, where Lieke will undoubtedly stand out by her passion and craftsmanship.

On 25 April Lieke Hoogenboom elected Cingel Topper 2013. Lieke is 2nd year student Supervisor Bakery, Level 4. The jury commended Lieke her presentation, her qualities and personality. A number of findings from the jury: - Lieke committed to 200% and will continuously challenge themselves and increase their knowledge. In addition to her participation in professional competitions, Lieke with much courage has arranged a top placement for themselves. - Lieke is in Region Champion become the regional championships of youth foundation skills competitions. - Passion for the job was already there to Lieke since childhood in. They literally begins to shine when it comes to Patisserie. - Ellen shows great commitment to school, her education and her internship. The top price they would pay for a part in a special lamp for school, for sugar draw. - A cheerful, accurate and energetic student who is sincerely grateful for the support that teachers and stagebeleiders give her. Lieke was pleasantly surprised by her nomination as Cingel Topper 2013: 'Wow with 20 exclamation points. On the ROC West-Brabant Topper Election in September where Lieke undoubtedly will stand by her passion and skill.

On 25 april is Lieke Hoogenboom elected to Cingel-Topper 2013. Lieke is 2ND per annum student Leading Bakery, level 4. The selection board was praising Lieke its presentation, its qualities and personality.
a number of findings from the jury report:
- Lieke is for 200% continuous challenge in itself and would like to increase and its expertise. In addition to its participation in
vakwedstrijden,With daring Lieke has a top stage for itself controlled.
- Lieke Regiokampioen is to become the foundation of regiokampioenschappen Jeugdvakwedstrijden.
- passion for the box was there at Lieke kindsaf already in. They literally starts to emit as the on Patisserie.
- Lieke shows great involvement in school, her training and her practical training.The toppersprijs they want to spend for a part a
special bulb for school, for 'suikertrekken'. - A cheerful, correct and energetic student who sincerely is grateful for the guidance teachers and stagebeleiders its.
Lieke was pleasantly surprised with her appointment to Cingel Topper 2013: 'wow with 20 exclamation marks' .
to the ROC West-Brabant Toppersverkiezing in september,