Deze subsp Van Sabang, Sumatra, verschilt van de tanaeciaheliophilaFruhst doordat de witte interradiale teekening in de anaalhoek der voorvleugels sterk door zwart is gereduceerd.
This subsp Of Sabang, Sumatra, differs from the interradiale teekening in the tanaeciaheliophilaFruhst because the white anal angle of the forewings strongly by black has been reduced.
This subsp From Sabang, Sumatra, differs from the tanaeciaheliophilaFruhst because the white interradiale drawing in the anal angle of the front wings is strongly reduced by black.
This subsp Of Sabang, Sumatra, differs from the tanaeciaheliophilaFruhst interradiale teekening because the white in the anaalhoek der voorvleugels strongly by black is reduced.