HARDY: When are we going to work again together? Because it sounds like you’re much better than you were when I last worked with you. [both laugh] You sound more talented, bro. But I’ve completely forgotten what I was going to say. [Schoenaerts laughs] I, like you, am passionate about my work. It’s something that I believe in. I don’t know why. The media is one side of what we do, which I don’t understand quite how to fit into because I didn’t come here to sell anything. You don’t get taught to do that side. What’s the worst question or the top three worst questions that you get asked in the press that you’re terrified of?
SCHOENAERTS: Not necessarily terrified. But the first question is, “What attracted you? Can you explain your character?” That’s the number one question that I’m like, “Oh my God, shit.”
HARDY: [both laugh] That one sucks major balls.
SCHOENAERTS: The second one is, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” I’m like, “I don’t know, man. Shit. I might be on an island doing some agricultural stuff.” The last one is probably, “Why did you get into acting?” That type of stuff. I’m like, “Yeeeah, ugh.” First of all, it’s way too personal. And second of all, I don’t know if I really know that.