weet je het zéker ? Heb NET het Pakket ingepakt met 12 stuks, stevig in plastic tas. Wilde net naar het postkantoor vertrekken voor verzenden. De extra verzendkosten is best veel voor één Beer meer, toch ?
do you know the safe to eat? Have just the package packed with 12 pieces, firmly in plastic bag. Was just about to leave to the post office before sending.The additional shipping cost is pretty much for one Bear more, right?
are you sure ? Have NET Package packed with 12 pieces, sturdy plastic bag. Just wanted to leave before sending to the post office. The extra shipping cost is quite a lot for one more beer, right?
You know the zéker ? Have JUST the Package packed with 12 pieces, securely in plastic bag. Just wanted to leave the post office for sending. The additional shipping is best many for one Beer more, yet?