maar nu zou men een stuk goud,zo zwaar als de kroon,en zien hoe veel hetzelve in het water verloor,en dan de kroon daarin dompelenmaar nu zou men nemen een stuk goud,zoo zwaar als de kroon,en zien hoe veel hetzelve in het water verloor,en dan de kroon daarin dompelen.
but now one would a piece of gold, as heavy as the Crown, and see how much it lost in the water, and then the Crown in it dompelenmaar now one would take a piece of gold, zoo heavily as the Crown, and see how much it lost in the water, and then the Crown in it dipping.

But now it would be a piece of gold,as heavy as the crown,and see how much that measure in the water lost,and then the crown dompelenmaar therein now it would take a piece of gold,zoo heavy as the crown,and see how much that measure in the water lost,and then immerse the crown therein.