De enige reden warrm concluant de akte bij voorkeur wenste te verlijde翻訳 - De enige reden warrm concluant de akte bij voorkeur wenste te verlijde英語言う方法

De enige reden warrm concluant de a

De enige reden warrm concluant de akte bij voorkeur wenste te verlijden voor juni 2012 is dat er op dat moment een nieuwe wet in werking zou treden waadoor de herverdelingstaks zou stijgen van 1% naar 2.5%. Dit wordt ook bevestigd door de notaris in baar schrijven van 19 november 2013 .
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The only reason the Act warrm concluant preferably wished to execution for June 2012 is that, at that time a new law enter into force so the redistributive tax would increase from 1% to 2.5%. This is also confirmed by the notary in baar writing 19 november 2013.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The only reason warrm concluant the deed preferably wished to execute for June 2012 is that there is currently a new law would take effect waadoor redistributing tax would rise from 1% to 2.5%. This is also confirmed by the notary in ingot letter of November 19, 2013.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The only reason the act preferably warm concluant wished to consented for June 2012 is that at that time there were to come into force a new law allowing the herverdelingstaks would increase from 1% to 2.5 %. This is also confirmed by the notary in baar write november 19, 2013 .
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