11. Wie is de meest onderschatte presentator op de Nederlandse televis翻訳 - 11. Wie is de meest onderschatte presentator op de Nederlandse televis英語言う方法

11. Wie is de meest onderschatte pr

11. Wie is de meest onderschatte presentator op de Nederlandse televisie?

,,Ruben Nicolai. Hij verdient zijn eigen talkshow. Misschien is hij er al drie keer voor gevraagd, maar hij kan het aan: spreekt z’n talen goed, is ad rem en kan goed met mensen overweg. De jonge versie van Ivo Niehe, maar dan grappig.’’
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
11. who is the most underrated presenter on Dutch television?,, Ruben Nicolai. He deserves his own talk show. Maybe he asked for three times already, but he can handle it: speaks its languages well, apt and can cope well with people. The young version of Ivo Niehe, but funny. "'
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
11. Who is the most underrated presenter on Dutch television? ,, Ruben Nicolai. He deserves his own talk show. Maybe he's already asked for three times, but he can handle it: speak his language well, is witty and can get along with people. The young version of Ivo Niehe, but funny. ''

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
11. Who is the most underrated presenter on Dutch television?

"Ruben Nicolai. He deserves his own chat show. Perhaps it is there three times for requested, but he cannot: expresses z'n languages well, is ad brake and can handle well with people. The young version of Ivo Niehe, but funny."
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