Het Algemeen Dagblad zocht de statistieken van de afgelopen vijf Ajax-seizoenen bij elkaar en die cijfers geven de schrikbarende achteruitgang treffend weer: minder goals, minder kansen, minder schoten op doel en minder balbezit.
Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad were looking for the statistics of the past five seasons together and Ajax-that give the figures alarming decline tellingly: less goals, fewer opportunities, fewer shots on goal and less ball possession.
The Algemeen Dagblad sought the statistics of the last five seasons Ajax together and these figures show the alarming decline striking again: less goals, less opportunity, less shots on goal and less possession.
The General Daily Newspaper was looking for the statistics of the last five Ajax-seasons together and that the figures indicate the terrible deterioration aptly: less goals, less opportunities, less shots on goal and less possession.