Geachte heer Masahiro Miura, Bedankt voor uw registratie voor de NEN-N翻訳 - Geachte heer Masahiro Miura, Bedankt voor uw registratie voor de NEN-N英語言う方法

Geachte heer Masahiro Miura, Bedank

Geachte heer Masahiro Miura,

Bedankt voor uw registratie voor de NEN-Normshop.

Lees s.v.p. dit gehele bericht goed!

Stap 1: Activeren
Activeer nu uw account of kopieer het volgende adres en plak dit in uw browser:

Stap 2: Betalen via Ideal/Creditcard
Na het activeren van uw account kunt u direct al bestellingen plaatsen. De betaling verloopt online via Ideal of Creditcard.

Stap 3: Betalen per factuur
Binnen een werkdag na het activeren van uw account, ontvangt u van ons een tweede e-mail waarna u (indien akkoord door ons) per factuur kunt betalen. Het is hierbij belangrijk dat u uit- en inlogt zodat de functie kan worden vrijgegeven.

Stap 4: Controleer uw gegevens
Controleer na het inloggen s.v.p. eerst uw klantgegevens. Het is voor ons niet mogelijk om gegevens aan te passen in een afgeronde bestelling.

Bedrijven gevestigd buiten Nederland

Is uw bedrijf gevestigd buiten Nederland? Dan kunt u bij een bestelling via de Normshop alleen online betalen. U ontvangt geen tweede e-mail. De functie per factuur betalen wordt niet vrijgegeven. Indien gewenst, stellen wij een offerte op waarna u het bedrag via uw bank kunt overmaken. Wij vernemen dit graag via

Voor eventuele vragen over de Normshop kunt u kijken bij de veelgestelde vragen. Staat uw vraag hier niet bij of wenst u nadere informatie, dan horen wij dit graag. Met vriendelijke groeten,
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Mr. Masahiro Miura, Thank you for registering for the NEN-Standard shop. Please read this entire message good! Step 1: activate Now activate your account or copy the following address and paste this in your browser: 2: pay via PayPal/Credit card After activating your account, you can immediately place orders. Payment is online via PayPal or Credit card. Step 3: pay by invoice Within one business day after activating your account, you will receive a second email (if agreement by us) and then you can pay by invoice. It is important that you log in and out so that the function can be released. Step 4: check your data After logging in, please first check your customer data. It is not possible for us to data to fit in a completed order. Companies located outside the NetherlandsIs your business located outside the Netherlands? You can order via the standard shop only pay online. You will not receive a second email. Pay by invoice function is not released. If desired, we propose an offer after which you can transfer the amount through your bank. We learn this through klantenservice@nen.nlFor any questions on the standard shop you can look at the frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed or if you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. With best regards,
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Mr. Masahiro Miura, Thank you for registering for the NEN Norm Shop. Please read this entire message right! Step 1: Activation Activate your account or copy the address and paste it into your 2: Pay by Ideal / Credit Card After activating your account, you can already place orders directly. Payment is made ​​online via Ideal or credit card. Step 3: Pay per invoice within one working day after activating your account, you will receive a second e-mail and then (if agreed by us) can pay by invoice. It is important that you log out and back so that the function can be released. Step 4: Check your data After the first login please your customer data. It is not possible for us to modify data in a completed order. Companies based outside the Netherlands Is your business located outside the Netherlands? You can pay online only for orders via the Norm Shop. You will receive a second e-mail. The function will not be released to pay by invoice. If required, we propose an offer and then you can transfer the amount from your bank. Let us know via any questions about the Standard Shop, please visit the FAQ. If your question is not listed here or you would like further information then please let us know. Yours sincerely,

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Dear Mr matters Masahiro Miura,

Thank you for registering for the NEN-Normshop. Please read this entire message


Step 1: Activate
activate your account, or copy the following address and paste it into your browser:

Stap 2: Pay via Ideal/Credit Card
After you activate your account, you can immediately place orders. The payment is Ideal or online via Credit Card.

Step 3: Pay per invoice
within one working day after the activation of your account, you will receive a second email and you (if agreement by us) per invoice can pay. In this regard, it is important that you log off and so that the function can be released.

Step 4: Check your data
Check after the first login please your customer data. It is not possible for us to adapt to data in a rounded order.

Companies located outside the Netherlands

Is your company located outside the Netherlands? Then you can at an order through the Normshop only pay online. You will not receive a second email.
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