Er zijn wa bewogen foto's bij in het begin maar da was omda we letterlijk moesten lopen naar de eerste attractie. Er was al 120 minuten wachttijd 5 minuten na het park open was dus dan zijn we naar een andere attractie gegaan me 10 minuten wachten. Er zitten ook wa foto's tussen me mijn geweldige gastfamilie. Echt de moeite en ik heb het "unieke" disneysea beertje (verkopen ze alleen in Tokio maar wel me een miljoen tegelijk) als souvenir. Er waren 0 wolken heel de dag en het park was zo vol da ze het om 2 uur (het ging open om 8 uur) tijdelijk moesten sluiten voor nieuwe mensen. Qua "regio's" hebt ge het begin als een soort Italiaanse havenstad, new york in de jaren '20, hotel hightower (spooky), de SS columbia, de Indiana Jones jungle, het aladdin stad geval, een renaissance kasteel, een heel toyland (jawel, van toy story, Annelien) en oh ja ze hebben letterlijk een berg gemaakt voor de kleine zeemeermin
Heel groot park, maar me de uitleg zult ge de foto's wa beter kunnen plaatsen.
There are wa moved photos at in the beginning but we literally had to walk to the da was omda first attraction. There was already 120 minutes waiting time 5 minutes after the park was open so then we went to another attraction gone me 10 minutes of waiting. There are also guest photos between me my wonderful family wa. Really bother and I have the "unique" disneysea Babu (sell them only in Tokyo but me a million at the same time) as souvenirs. There were 0 clouds all day long and the park was so full da they at 2 pm (it opened at 8 am) had to close temporarily for new people. In terms of "regions" have uploaded the beginning as a kind of Italian port city, new york in the 1920s, hotel hightower (spooky), the SS columbia, the Indiana Jones jungle, the aladdin city case, a renaissance Castle, a very toyland (Yes, toy story, Elsie) and oh yeah they have literally a mountain made for the Little MermaidVery large park, but me the explanation you will better be able to place the photos wa.

There are wa moving pictures at the beginning but that was becaus we literally had to walk to the first attraction. There had been 120 minutes wait 5 minutes after the park was open so we went to another attraction me 10 minute wait. There are also wa pictures between me my wonderful host family. Worthwhile and I "unique" DisneySea bear (they sell only in Tokyo but like a million at a time) as a souvenir. There were 0 clouds throughout the day and the park was so full that is she to 2 hours (it opened at 8 pm) had to close temporarily to new people. In terms of "regions" have you start as a sort of Italian port city, New York in the 20s, hotel high tower (spooky), the SS Columbia, the Indiana Jones jungle, the Aladdin town event, a Renaissance castle, a very toyland ( yes, from toy story, Annelien) and oh yes they have literally created a mountain for the little mermaid very large park, but I will you the pictures wa better position the explanation.