Op donderdag 21 januari was IFFR even ‘Big in Japan’, met de komst van翻訳 - Op donderdag 21 januari was IFFR even ‘Big in Japan’, met de komst van英語言う方法

Op donderdag 21 januari was IFFR ev

Op donderdag 21 januari was IFFR even ‘Big in Japan’, met de komst van Shibutani Subaru. Hoewel volstrekt onbekend in Europa, schijnt Shibutani in eigen land een superster te zijn, als zanger van de band Kanjani8. Samen met regisseur Yamashita Nobuhiro kwam hij de wereldpremière van hun project “La La La at Rock Bottom” bijwonen. Dit zorgde voor unieke taferelen met gillende Japanse meisjes en een optreden dat iedereen nog lang zal heugen. Met zijn vertolking van Billy Joels klassieker “Piano Man” toverde Shibutani namelijk het statige Oude Luxor om in een foute karaokebar.

De film zelf was inhoudsloos, voorspelbaar en vermoedelijk een vehikel om Shibutani’s solocarrière te lanceren. Shibutani speelt een kleine crimineel die na een aframmeling aan geheugenverlies lijdt. Al ronddwalend blijkt hij over een gouden strot te beschikken en hij sluit zich aan bij een band. Dan begint zijn verleden langzaam terug te komen. Shibutani lijkt als acteur geen natuurtalent. De hele film heeft hij maar één gelaatsuitdrukking: een lege verdwaasde blik. De plottwists moeten dan ook uitgelegd worden, aangezien hij ze met zijn acteerspel totaal niet overbrengt.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
On Thursday, January 21, was in Japan as ' Big ' IFFR, with the advent of Shibutani Subaru. Although totally unknown in Europe, seems to Shibutani a superstar in his own country, as lead singer of the band Kanjani8. He came together with Director Nobuhiro Yamashita the world premiere of their project "La La La at Rock Bottom" attending. This created unique scenes with screaming Japanese girls and a gig that everyone will remember for a long time. With his rendition of Billy Joel's classic "Piano Man" put to Shibutani namely the stately old Luxor in a wrong karaoke bar.The movie itself was meaningless, predictable and probably a Shibutani's solo career vehicle to launch. Shibutani plays a petty criminal who after a thrashing to memory loss suffers. He already appears to have a golden throat wondering around and he is joining a band. Then begins his past come back slowly. Not a natural talent as an actor seems to Shibutani. He has only one facial expression the whole movie: an empty crazed look. The plottwists must be explained, since he they with his acting game total not transferred.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
On Thursday, January 21st was IFFR as 'Big in Japan', with the advent of Shibutani Subaru. Although completely unknown in Europe, Shibutani shines in his own country to be a superstar, singer of the band Kanjani8. Together with director Nobuhiro Yamashita he entered the world premiere of their project "La La La at Rock Bottom" attend. This created unique scenes of screaming Japanese girls and a performance that everyone will never forget. With his rendition of Billy Joel's classic "Piano Man" Shibutani conjured namely the stately Old Luxor into a bad karaoke. The movie itself was meaningless, predictable and presumably a vehicle to launch Shibutani's solo career. Shibutani plays a petty criminal who suffers from amnesia after a beating. All of wandering he appears to have a golden throat and he joins a band. Then his past begins to slowly come back. Shibutani appears as an actor not natural. The whole movie he has one facial expression: a dazed look empty. The plottwists must therefore be interpreted, because he has not shared his acting game total.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
On thursday, January 21 IFFR was equally 'Big in Japan', with the arrival of Shibutani Subaru. Although totally unknown in Europe, it seems that Shibutani a superstar in his own country, as singer of the band Kanjani8. He came together with director Nobuhiro Yamashita the world premiere of their project "La La La at Rock Bottom" attend.This caused for unique scenes with robed figures Japanese girls and an action that everyone will continue for a long time. With its interpretation of Billy Joels classic "Piano Man" operator who put Shibutani namely the stately Old Luxor in a false karaoke bar.

The film itself was meaningless, predictable and probably a vehicle to launch Shibutani's solo career.Shibutani plays a small criminal who after a grimy back to amnesia is suffering. All ronddwalend shows he has a golden throats and he joins a band. Then begins its past slow to come back. Shibutani natuurtalent seems not as an actor. The whole movie has one facial expression: an empty bemused looking look.The plottwists must also be explained, since it with transfers are not acteerspel total.
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