Feyenoord kan Dirk Kuyt voorlopig nog geen duidelijkheid verschaffen o翻訳 - Feyenoord kan Dirk Kuyt voorlopig nog geen duidelijkheid verschaffen o英語言う方法

Feyenoord kan Dirk Kuyt voorlopig n

Feyenoord kan Dirk Kuyt voorlopig nog geen duidelijkheid verschaffen over een mogelijke terugkeer bij de club. De aanvaller wil zelf dolgraag zijn rentree maken in De Kuip, maar in het Maasgebouw moeten ze de onderhandelingen met trainer Fred Rutten nog starten.
''Feyenoord kan eigenlijk niets doen totdat er duidelijkheid is over de trainer van volgend jaar'', zo stelt VI-journalist Martijn Krabbendam in gesprek met het radioprogramma Gijs 2.0. ''Dirk wil heel graag, hij is eigenlijk bezig met een soort van open sollicitatie de afgelopen weken. Nu moet de club laten weten of ze het in hem zien zitten.''

Krabbendam zou Kuyt zelf niet terughalen als hij in de schoenen van technisch directeur Martin van Geel zou staan. ''Feyenoord heeft niet al te goede ervaringen met het terughalen van spelers van boven de dertig. En je hebt geen enkele garantie dat Feyenoord even kampioen wordt met Kuyt. Twee jaar geleden kon hij echt iets toevoegen, maar toen koos hij voor Turkije.'' De Feyenoord-watcher voegt er nog aan toe: ''Maar je kan deze man niet te lang aan het lijntje houden.''
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Feyenoord can clarify Dirk Kuyt not yet a possible return to the club. The attacker would like to love to make his comeback in The cabin, but in the Maas building they should start negotiations with trainer Fred Rutten.' ' Feyenoord can actually do anything until there is clarity about the trainer of next year '', according to VI-journalist Martijn Krabbendam in conversation with the radio program Gijs 2.0. ' ' Dirk really want, he's actually doing a kind of open application over the past few weeks. Now you will need to let the club know if they see in him. ' "Krabbendam Kuyt can't recover if he himself would be in the shoes of technical director Martin van Geel would stand. ' ' Feyenoord has not too good experiences with the recall of players over the age of thirty. And you have no guarantee that Feyenoord as champion with Kuyt. Two years ago he could really add something, but when he chose Turkey. "' The Feyenoord-watcher adds still to it: '' but you can this guy not too long to keep the line. ' "
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Feyenoord Dirk Kuyt can as yet provide no clarity about a possible return to the club. The attacker wants love to make his comeback at De Kuip, but in Maasgebouw they still start negotiations with coach Fred Rutten.
'' Feyenoord can not do anything until there is clarity about the coach next year ', says VI -journalist Martijn Krabbendam talking to the radio Gijs 2.0. '' Dirk really wants, he is actually engaged in a kind of open application in recent weeks. Now the club should let you know if they see him sit down. '' Krabbendam Kuyt could not recall if he himself in the shoes of technical director Martin van Geel would stand. '' Feyenoord have not too good experience with the recovery of players over thirty. And you have no guarantee that Feyenoord as champion with Kuyt. Two years ago, he could really add something, but when he chose Turkey '' Feyenoord watcher there adds: "." But you can not be too long to keep the line this man. '

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Feyenoord can Dirk Kuyt yet no clarity about a possible return to the club. The attacker would itself be returning to love in the tub, but they must be in the Maas Building the negotiations with trainer Fred Rutten still start.
"Feyenoord can actually do nothing until there is clarity about the trainer of next year",Thus, VI-journalist Martijn Krabbendam in conversation with the radio show Gijs 2.0. "Dirk is very keen to, he is actually engaged in a kind of open application the last few weeks. Now it is the club let him know whether they see in the sit. "

Krabbendam Kuyt would not itself in the shoes of recall if he technical director Martin of Yellow."Feyenoord has not too good experiences with the recall of players of over thirty. And you have no guarantee that Feyenoord as champion is with Kuyt. Two years ago he could really add something, but when he chose for Turkey." The Feyenoord-insider adds: "But you can this man not too long of the blaze."
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