Dank u voor uw antwoord. Omdat ik in Japan woont, kon je stuur Bears met behulp van PostNL naar Japan? Als u akkoord gaat met mij, ik stuur € 15 en verzendkosten naar uw bankrekening snel.
Thank you for your reply.Because I live in Japan, you could send Bears using PostNL to Japan?If you agree with me, I send € 15 and shipping cost to your bank account quickly.
Thank you for your answer. Because I live in Japan, you could send Bears using TNT to Japan? If you agree with me, I send € 15 and shipping charges to your bank account quickly.
thank you for your reply.because i live in japan, could you send using postnl bears to japan?if you agree with me, i will send $15, postage to your bank account.