HOOFDDORP - Valerio Zeno vermaakt zich prima als vrijgezel. Toch is oo翻訳 - HOOFDDORP - Valerio Zeno vermaakt zich prima als vrijgezel. Toch is oo英語言う方法

HOOFDDORP - Valerio Zeno vermaakt z

HOOFDDORP - Valerio Zeno vermaakt zich prima als vrijgezel. Toch is ook hij op zoek naar de ware, die maar moeilijk te vinden blijkt.
"Ik denk voornamelijk dat ik de lat veel te hoog heb liggen. Ik ben heel erg pietje precies en ga niet voor minder", zegt hij in Grazia.

"Wat ik zoek, is iemand die heel ambitieus is, want dat betekent dat ze passie heeft. Pit. Een eigen mening. En dat ze voor zichzelf kan opkomen", vervolgt hij.

"Maar daarnáást moet ze er ook goed uitzien. Maar ik krijg toch echt het idee dat die combinatie niet bestaat. Ik ben haar in elk geval nog niet tegengekomen.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hoofddorp (Neth.)-Valerio Zeno enjoys their fine as a Bachelor. Yet he is also looking for the true, which but hard to find shows."I think mainly that I set the bar way too high have lying around. I'm very much perfectionist and don't go for less, "he says in Grazia."What I'm looking for, is someone who is very ambitious, because that means she has passion. Pit. A private opinion. And that they can stand up for themselves, "he continues."But they must also look good daarnáást. But I really get the idea that that combination does not exist. I am her in each case not yet come across.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
HOOFDDORP - Valerio Zeno entertained just fine as a bachelor. Yet he also searching for the truth, but that hard to find shows.
"I mostly think I have the bar are too high. I'm very stickler and do not settle for less," he says in Grazia. " What I'm looking for is someone who is very ambitious, because that means she has passion. Pit. Your own opinion. And that they can stand up for themselves, "he continues. "But next she should also look good. But I get really feel that this combination does not exist. I had not yet encountered in each case.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
HOOFDDORP - Valerio Zeno entertained is fine as a bachelor. But it is also looking for the true, but difficult to find shows.
"i think mainly that i have are much too high. I am very very very attentive exactly and do not go for less", he says in Grazia.

"What i find, is someone who is very ambitious, because it means that they passion. Pit. A private opinion.And that they can stand up for themselves," he continued.

"But daarnáást must also look good. But i get the idea that really does not exist. I am in any case still not encountered.
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