Is your pension fund or choose for an uncertain uitkeringspensioen for an uncertain, real ambitiecontract? YOU have nothing to say on.
Will choose your pension fund for an uncertain uitkeringspensioen or for an uncertain, real ambitiecontract? YOU have nothing to say on here, it is a collective system, but inflation-compensation you can forget the coming years anyway.
This afternoon, there was more clear on the new pension system that per January 1, 2015 must take effect. (Click here for all documents)
Choice: quiet-to-pension (FTK 1) or casinopensioen (FTK 2)
Pension Funds must choose next year between 2 variants: a variant with a guaranteed pension, a fixed amount, and large buffers in your pension fund (nominal,FTK 1) or a variant with pensions which your purchasing power must be guaranteed, but where less buffers are available for your fund (real ambitiecontract, FTK2) .
What a fund choose, you as individual participant (employee or retired) may not decide. YOU have little effect because there is collective contracts.Are you in fixed service of a company that is required if the ABP joins in with an industrial pension fund Metalektro or Care and well-being, then you can also not road to the pension fund, you must participate. The pension system remains a mandatory, solidarity, system. A participant may choose not individually.
Little differences, but the pension increases not
Striking is that the final pensions will probably not much of each other differences between the 2 systems and also not in relation to your current pension or construction. The buffers are in both new systems (nominal and real) at the start much too low for the first few years at all about the increase in pensions to reflect,That is a difference with now where indexation from 2014 in sight starts to come.
In the nominal system (FTK 1) must first increase the coverage of the current average 100% to 125% before a fund may really indexing. A fund may also index only if it is certain that in the future it can be.In the new nominal system follows therefore only much later indexation for inflation than in the current system because the buffers really must be built up.
In the real system (FTK 2) are the coverage ratios came at the start around 70% and not a fund only indexing to 100 %. The pensions are favored in the past few years the inflation,The coverage for the real system which significantly lagging behind in purchasing power. Invaren (accept) of the old rights may not otherwise than with discount on the promised indexation. Here, it takes so many years before the pensions also finally started to rise again. Drops the coverage than in the future under the 100 %, than is immediately reduced in the real system.The discount will be spread over 10 years.
Premiums higher
In both systems must pick up their contributions. Otherwise, the funds never A 97.5% guarantee your pension in FTK1 or the funds may never pay you the promised inflation in FTK 2. The premium is anyway break-even. Striking you say? Certainly,The pension contributions are now actually too low to meet all the commitments to comply.
The pension contributions go per year with around EUR 3 billion. Moreover, the cabinet reduces the maximum possible tax friendly pension accrual of workers shortly with 20 %. The maximum construction drops of 2.25% to 1.75% of your pensioengevend salary.This saves 9 billion in premiums per year. There is a balance as a saving of EUR 6 billion, and follows a premiedaling to 20% for the workers and their employers.
Real ambitiecontract favorite in The Hague
In the new real system, the favorite system of the officials of the Ministry of Social Affairs,Will more often than previously discounts on the pensions, but much lower than the fold being distributed. According to SZW is the real contract (FTK 2)in the long term, a truer, more contract than the nominal (FTK 1), with a stable pension for everyone. The yields should be easy.Social Affairs would prefer to see the pension funds all opt for the FTK2.
Actually they should preferably but one an overhaul of the ministry (FTK 2, the real) have to propose. But they have carried out what the social partners have agreed. Legal was it not feasible to not rated an overhaul of,What the most similar to the current pension system, to propose.
The pension funds themselves a middle way, and certainly not on this compulsory choice and investment risks in the FTK2 forced to wait. They want the benefits of both contracts merge. A type of nominal plus.After an exciting pensioendag today in The Hague would seem to be that possibility is perhaps to sit in
everything together, it is and is complicated. The next 2 months can anyone say about this bill with the cabinet of the new pension system. And then must choose the pension funds. Success!
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