Andere clubs in Nederland als AZ, Ajax en Vitesse volgen hem op de voet, terwijl eerder al bekend werd dat onder meer Manchester City met regelmaat van de klok een scout naar De Herdgang stuurt om Piroe te bekijken.
Other clubs in Netherlands as AZ, Ajax and Vitesse follow him on the foot, while previously it was announced that Manchester City with, among others, regularly sends a scout to De Herdgang Paisa view.
Other clubs in the Netherlands as AZ, Ajax and Vitesse follow him closely, while previously it was already known that include Manchester City with regularity of clockwork send a scout to the Herdgang to view Piroe.
Other clubs in the Netherlands if AZ, Ajax, and Vitesse follow him on the foot, while previously it was that under more Manchester City with clockwork a scout to The Herdgang Piroe sends to view.