de door jou omcirkelde handpop-beer zit gegarandeerd bij de bestelling翻訳 - de door jou omcirkelde handpop-beer zit gegarandeerd bij de bestelling英語言う方法

de door jou omcirkelde handpop-beer

de door jou omcirkelde handpop-beer zit gegarandeerd bij de bestelling omdat hetgeen ik sturen wil geheel met de Foto overeen komt. Nu was ik in de veronderstelling dat je het meest linker Robijn beertje bedoelde in jouw voorgaande Mailtjes. Dáár heb ik er namelijk maar één exemplaar van. Van de door jou omcirkelde Handpop-beer heb ik nog wel enkele exemplaren beschikbaar dus wanneer je van deze Beer er meerder wilt bestellen en dat ik deze meteen mee verzendt naar Japan is ook dat mogelijk. Heb er nog 5 exemplaren van beschikbaar zoals je op de twee Foto's die ik nu als Bijlage stuur zien kunt. Op deze twee Foto's staat NIET de Beer van de Foto met de acht verschillende knuffels. Hoor het graag weer even van jou terug zodat ik vandaag het pakket gereed maken kan voor verzending
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
the because of you circled hand puppet-bear is guaranteed in the order because what I would like to send whole with the picture matches up. Now I was under the assumption that you are most referred to in your previous Emails left Ruby Babu. That's what I have, in fact, only one instance of. Your circled hand puppet-bear, I still have some copies available so when you want to order more of this Beer there and that I immediately send to Japan is also possible. Got another 5 copies of available as you on the two photos that I now see can send as an attachment. On these two pictures is not the bear in the picture with the eight different hugs. Hear the likes of you back again so I can make the package ready for dispatch today
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Guaranteed is the puppet-bear circled by you when ordering because what I want to send fully corresponds to the Photo. Now I was under the impression that you meant the leftmost Ruby bear in your previous Mails. That's where I am because only one copy of it. The circled by you Puppet-bear I still have a few copies available so if you want to order more of it this Bear and I sending along this straight to Japan is also possible. Have there are 5 copies available as you two photos which I now see as Appendix send you. On these two photos is NOT the Photo Bear with the eight different toys. Like to hear from you back here again today so that I can prepare the package for shipment
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
You circled handpop-beer is guaranteed by the order because what i would like to send with the Photo corresponds. Now i was in the assumption that you referred the most left Ruby bear-town in your previous Mails. There i have only a single copy.Of the by you circled Handpop-beer i have a few copies available so when you want to order several of these Beer there and that i immediately sends to Japan is also possible. Have 5 copies of available as you on the two pictures that i now enclose can see.In these two photos is NOT the Beer of the Photo with the eight different hugs. Hear the like again as of today you back so that i can make the package ready for dispatch
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