Bedankt voor uw informatie. Ik zal overmaken op maandag. Ik denk dat het duurt een paar dagen om de betaling. Ik zal € 75 overmaken, zodat deze niet ontbreken voor het geval dat.
Dank u voor de foto, Sorry, ik ben bang dat ik niet kan kopen pop meer.
Thanks for your information.I will transfer on Monday. I think it takes a few days to get the payment.I will transfer € 75, so that they do not lack in case.Thank you for the photo, Sorry, I'm afraid I can't buy pop more.
Thanks for your information. I will make on Monday. I think it takes a few days to make the payment. I will make about € 75 so it does not lack in case. Thank you for the picture, sorry, I'm afraid I can not buy pop anymore.
Thank you for your information. i will pass on monday. I think that it will take a few days to the payment. i will pay $75, so that it does not lack for the case that.
Thank you for the photo, Sorry, i am afraid that i cannot buy pop more.