What rumbles there on the heath,
what shines there in the offing?
What the hell intervene
That one with 'not see t matter?
How flickering swords
What strong melody,
how to run there horses,
It's Field Artillery! The gunpowder is their life , 't Cannon is their banner. Hope having to sneven animates every Gunner. they hook into the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is becoming their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra thunders already the shot. weather ahead quickly raised, he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d 'force majeure him, he bravely stands up. Buys death by his victory, and even welcomed into his trap. , but also in time of peace, always Excels the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.What shines there in the offing? What the hell intervene That one with 'not see t matter? How flickering swords What strong melody, how to run there horses, It's Field Artillery! The gunpowder is their life, it Kanon is their banner . Hope having to sneven animates every Gunner. they hook into the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is becoming their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra already overwhelms the shot. Weather fast forward raised , he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d 'force majeure him, he bravely stands up. Buys victory by his death, and even welcomed into his trap. , but also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls cleaning of members, His proud of their love.What shines there in the offing? What the hell intervene That one with 'not see t matter? How flickering swords What strong melody, how to run there horses, It's Field Artillery! The gunpowder is their life, it Kanon is their banner . Hope having to sneven animates every Gunner. they hook into the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is becoming their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra already overwhelms the shot. Weather fast forward raised , he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d 'force majeure him, he bravely stands up. Buys victory by his death, and even welcomed into his trap. , but also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls cleaning of members, His proud of their love.How to run there horses, It's Field Artillery! The gunpowder is their life, it Kanon is their banner. Hope having to sneven animates every Gunner. they hook into the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is still their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra already overwhelms the shot. Weather fast forward bred, he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d 'force majeure him, manfully he stands firm. Buys his death the victory, cheers and even in his fall. , but also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.How to run there horses, It's Field Artillery! The gunpowder is their life, it Kanon is their banner. Hope having to sneven animates every Gunner. they hook into the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is still their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra already overwhelms the shot. Weather fast forward bred, he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d 'force majeure him, manfully he stands firm. Buys his death the victory, cheers and even in his fall. , but also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.It hooks to the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is becoming their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra already overwhelms the shot. Weather fast forward bred, he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d Force majeure him, he bravely stands up. Buys victory by his death, and even welcomed into his trap. , but also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.It hooks to the war For Fatherland and Frost. Foreland and King both Is becoming their husbands chest. From the horse to the part flown Dra already overwhelms the shot. Weather fast forward bred, he Destroys enemy's rotten. Rent d Force majeure him, he bravely stands up. Buys victory by his death, and even welcomed into his trap. , but also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.But also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.But also in time of peace, Excels always the gunner. And girls clean of members, their love His proud.
Where Courage is also prevails faithful,
by force never quenched.
Therefore, the most beautiful women,
he Has your heart's content. Hooray for us so weapon, Long leevl the gunner. Lang ynaM 'that hefty fellows, Des armies cleanest trim. Their slogan they always fight Whithersoever also d 'honor sends them. For King and country both, until fame 't Regiment