Partijen hebben na 26 maart 2012 tot aan het verijden van de akte op 31 mei 2012 samen onderhandeld om tot een dading te komen zonder dat ik betrokken was bij enige concrete berekening. wat hun uitdrukkelijk wens was.
Parties have after 26 March 2012 to at the verijden of the Act on May 31, 2012 to come to a negotiated settlement without together that I was involved in only practical calculation. what their express wish was.
Parties after March 26, 2012 to the verijden the deed on May 31, 2012 negotiated together to reach a settlement without me being involved in any concrete calculation. What were they so wish.
Parties have after March 26, 2012 to the verijden may 31, 2012 of the act together to negotiate a settlement without that i was involved in any concrete calculation. what their expressly wish was.