De heer Beernaert wenste aldus een gedeelte van zijn opleg vóór de ondertekening van de akte te betalen, zoals hij ook zoals hij ook meedeelde aan de notaris en hetgeen de notaris later schriftelijk ook bevestigde.
Mr Babu wished thus part of its lay-on before signing of the Act to pay, as he as he communicated to the notary and also what the notary also confirmed in writing later.
Mr. Beernaert thus wished to pay a portion of its bearing before signing the deed, as he as he imparted to the notary and the notary later which confirmed in writing also.
Mr Beernaert wished thus a part of his last minute before the signing of the act to pay, as he also informed as he also to the notary and which also confirmed later in writing the notary.