Dag Rimme,Vergeet niet Danielle L van de Rabobank te waarschuwen betr.翻訳 - Dag Rimme,Vergeet niet Danielle L van de Rabobank te waarschuwen betr.英語言う方法

Dag Rimme,Vergeet niet Danielle L v

Dag Rimme,
Vergeet niet Danielle L van de Rabobank te waarschuwen betr. potentiële probleem (onterechte importheffing) bij de NL douane zodat Kromten kan helpen om dit glad te strijken.

Ik heb nagekeken wat ik aan info heb betr. de bruikleen van VP Sydney aan Kanazawa.
Attached is de loanform - met o.m. details over afmeting en aantal transportkratten en preciese ophaaladres in Japan.
Emma of Ann Marie bij Frith Street hebben vermoedelijk meer info, zoals bewijs dat het kunstwerk uit Engeland komt (ophaalbewijs kunstransporteur juli 2013).

Emma Starkings

Hiromi Kurosawa is de enige naam van een contactpersoon (senior curator) van het museum in Kanazawa (trouwens het is een prachtige, grote, belangrijke museum) die ik op dit moment kan vinden.

Wie jou anders kan helpen in geval van nood is Naofumi (hele aardige jonge) van mijn galerie in Tokyo, Wako Works of Art:
"Nao(fumi) Osaka"
maar zo ver is het nog niet.

gr, F

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Rimme day,
do not forget to warn rel. danielle l of the Rabobank potential problem (unjustified import duty) in the uk customs so kromten can help to smooth out.

this I have checked what I rel. to info . the loan of vp sydney Kanazawa
attached to the loan form - with order details on size and number of transport crates and exact pickup address in Japan
.emma or ann marie at frith street probably have more information, such as proof that the artwork comes from england (pick-proof artificial carrier in July 2013).

emma star kings hiromi kurosawa is the only name of a contact ( senior curator) of the museum in Kanazawa (btw it's a beautiful, big, important museum) that I can find.

at the momentWho else can help you in case of emergency Naofumi (very nice young) my gallery in tokyo, wako works of art:
"nao (fumi) osaka"
but so far it is not yet. success

g, f

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Florina, day
don't forget to warn Danielle L of the Rabobank re. potential problem (unjustified import duty) at the NL Customs so that Kromten can help to smooth out this.

I have checked what I have info re. the loan of the VP Sydney to Kanazawa.
Attached is the loanform-including details about size and number of transport crates and precise pickup address in Japan.
Emma or Ann Marie at Frith Street have probably more info, as evidence that the work of art comes from England (kunstransporteur pick-up evidence July 2013).


< emma@frithstreetgallery.com > Starkings is Hiromi Kurosawa is the only name of a contact person (senior curator) of the museum in Kanazawa (by the way it is a beautiful, big, important museum) that I can find at this time.

Who else can help you in case of emergency is Naofumi (all nice young) my Gallery in Tokyo, Wako Works of Art:
"Nao (fumi) Osaka" < osaka@wako-art.jp >
but so far is it yet.

gr, F

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Day Rimme,
remember Danielle L of the Rabobank to warn correspond. potential problem (false import levy) to the NL customs so Kromten can help smooth out this.

i have checked what i have to info re. the loan of VP Sydney to Kanazawa.
Attached is the loanform - including details on size and number of transportkratten and precise ophaaladres in Japan.
Emma or Ann Marie at Frith Street have probably more info, such as evidence that the work of art from the UK (ophaalbewijs kunstransporteur july 2013) .

Emma Starkings

Hiromi Kurosawa##, a is the only name of a contact (senior administrator) of the museum in Kanazawa (indeed it is a beautiful, large, important museum) that i can currently find.

Who else can help you in case of emergency Naofumi (all nice young) of my gallery in Tokyo, Wako Works of Art:
"Nao(fumi) Osaka"
but so far it has not.

gr, F

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