Ron Berteling and John Versteeg are two real for icehockey fans, which is still full of passion the ijshockeysport practicing. John is still active as a player at the highest level and has the necessary experience as jeugdtrainer. Ron after his successful career as a player for years active as a coach and jeugdtrainer.
We would like to transfer our knowledge and passion to young ice hockey players of 8 t/m 15 years. This we do during a 5-day trainingsweek in the autumn holidays (19 t/m 23 October 2015) on the Jaap Eden Ice Rink in Amsterdam.
The ijshockeyseizoen than been a while on the road, and again when you have a good ijshockeygevoel,Is this trainingsweek the perfect way to get yourself to improve even further. We will mainly focus on improving individual skills, such as schaatstechnieken, puckcontrole and shooting, where you the rest of the season will have a lot of advantage.
The day program lasts from 08:30-15:00,So players of outside Amsterdam also back to time for their own clubtrainingen. The ijstrainingen are from 09:00-11:00 and the remaining time will be filled with other specific ijshockeyactiviteiten.
The costs for the entire trainingsweek amounts € 215, -, including incl. :
IJstrainingen hoofdtrainers Ron Berteling & under the leadership of John Versteeg
Other droogtrainingen
Other activities
Ice Skating sharpening (once, possibly at a reduced rate then)
The payment by on friday, October 16, 2015 per bank to be paid on account number NL83 ABNA 0475 5853 13 (R. To Amsterdam Berteling mentioning: "name player". If canceled after October 5, 2015 is no money returned.