Garageverkoop heel Berlaar en heikant Kom een dagje sneukelen bij de bewoners thuis waar ze hun spulletjes te koop aanbieden tweedehands kledij , speelgoed, gereedschap,singels en andere ' schatten ' ...... deelnemerslijsten verkrijgbaar
Garage sales very Berlaar and heikant Come a day were killed off with the residents at home where they get their stuff for sale used clothing, toys, tools, webbing and other treasures ... ... entry lists available
Garage Sale very Berlaar and heikant Come died throats a day with the residents at home where they can buy their stuff offer used clothing, toys, tools, webbing and other 'treasures' ...... participant lists available
Very Berlaar Garageverkoop sneukelen and heikant come a day when the people at home where their items to offer for sale used clothing , toys, tool,wide boulevards and other ' treasures ' ...... participants available