Beste collega’s,Wij gaan bij Sinterklaas op bezoek op 28 november van 翻訳 - Beste collega’s,Wij gaan bij Sinterklaas op bezoek op 28 november van 英語言う方法

Beste collega’s,Wij gaan bij Sinter

Beste collega’s,

Wij gaan bij Sinterklaas op bezoek op 28 november van 16-18 uur! We vieren het feest dit jaar met Sint en zijn pieten namelijk in de historische stadskelders van Arnhem!

LET OP: Het Sinterklaasfeest is alleen voor TAP-leden met hun familie. Als je geen lid bent dan kun je nu (tijdelijk) lid worden van de TAP.
Speciaal voor het sinterklaasfeest kun je voor 2 maanden lid worden van de TAP, je schrijft je vóór 30 oktober 2015 in en voor 10 december 2015 stuur je ons een mail dat je geen lid meer wilt zijn en dan ben je per 1 januari 2016 uitgeschreven.
Op Connect kun je meer info vinden over het lidmaatschap: Ook voegen wij hier vast het inschrijfformulier toe.

Voor de inventarisatie van het feest op 28 november a.s. willen we graag weten hoeveel collega’s erbij zijn met hun kinderen. Graag onderstaande vragen beantwoorden en vóór 23 oktober a.s. mailen naar:

1. Ben je lid van de TAP? Ja/nee
2. Wil je komen op 28 november 2015? Ja/nee
3. Zo ja, hoeveel kinderen heb je in de leeftijd 0 t/m 7? Aantal: ….

De historische kelders zijn niet toegankelijk voor rolstoelen en kinderwagens. Deze kunnen wel geparkeerd worden binnen in het kantoor bij de kelders (deze gaat op slot, dus alles staat veilig),
maar kinderen die nog niet kunnen lopen zullen naar beneden gedragen moeten worden (evt. natuurlijk in draagzak of maxicosi o.i.d.).
Ook kunnen de kelders erg vochtig zijn van binnen, mensen met astma wordt aangeraden hier rekening mee te houden!

Bedankt voor het invullen!
Als je je hebt opgegeven krijg je zo snel mogelijk na 23 oktober bericht van ons over cadeaukeuzes e.d.
Heb je nog vragen/opmerkingen dan horen we het graag.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ladies and gentlemen,We go at Sinterklaas on visit on 28 november of 16-18 hours! We celebrate the Festival this year with St. Peter in the historic city and its cellars of Arnhem! Please note that this is only for TAP-members with their families. If you are not a member then you can now (temporarily) become a member of the TAP. Especially for the sinterklaas feast for 2 months you can become a member of the TAP, you write your in before 30 October 2015 and for 10 december 2015 you send us an email that you no longer want to be and then you per 1 January 2016 written out. On Connect you can find more info about membership: Add Also we stuck here the registration form.For the inventory of the Party on 28 november we would like to know how many members are there with their children. Like to answer the questions below and before October 23 email: pv@teijinaramid.com1. Are you a member of the TAP? Yes/No2. Would you like to come on november 28, 2015? Yes/No3. If Yes, how many children do you have aged 0 to 7? Number: .... The historical cellars are not accessible for wheelchairs and strollers. This can be parked inside in the Office at the cellars (this goes on slot, so everything is safe), but children who are not yet able to walk will have to be borne down (of course in baby carrier or maxicosi, etc).The cellars can also be very humid inside, people with asthma are advised to keep this in mind!Thank you for filling in! If you have specified you get as soon as possible after 23 October message from us about gift choices, etc.Do you have any questions/comments please let us know.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Colleagues, We are going to visit Santa Claus on November 28 in 16-18 hours! We celebrate the festival this year with Saint and his helpers namely in historic cellars of Arnhem! CAUTION: Sinterklaas is only for TAP members with their families. If you are not a member you can now (temporarily) to join the TAP. Especially for the Sinterklaas you for two months, a member of the TAP you register before October 30, 2015 and before December 10, 2015 please send us a mail you want to be members, and then you are issued per January 1st, 2016. On Connect, you can find more information about membership: add Also Here we determine the enrollment increasing. We wish for the inventory of the party on November 28. to know how many colleagues are there with their children. Happy to answer the questions below before 23 October shaft mail to: one. Are you a member of the TAP? Yes / No 2. Want to come on November 28, 2015? Yes / No 3. If so, how many children do you have aged 0 t / m 7? Number:. ... The historic cellars are not accessible for wheelchairs and strollers. These can be parked inside the office at the basement (this is locked, so everything is safe), but children who can not walk will be worn down (poss. Of course in baby carrier or car seat or similar). May also the cellars very humid inside, people with asthma are advised to take this into account! Thank you for filling! If you have registered you will get as soon as possible after October 23 message from us on gift items, etc. If you have any questions / comments, we hear it.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
ladies and gentlemen,

we go visit with santa claus on 28 november 16 to 18 hours. this year we celebrate the feast of saint and his people in the historical stadskelders of arnhem.
note: it's only for sinterklaasfeest tap with their family members. if you're not a member, you can now be (temporarily) member of the tap.
especially for the sinterklaasfeest for 2 months, you can become a member of the tap, you write your before 30 october 2015 and 10 december 2015 you send us an e-mail that you don't want to be (and you are issued by 1 january 2016. "to connect, you can find more information on membership: https: / / / communities / tap / pages / home.we also add aspx here the application.

for the identification of the party on 28 november. we would like to know how many members with their children. please answer following questions before 23 october next to e-mail: pv @

1. are you a member of the tap? yes / no
2. will you come on 28 november 2015. yes / no
3. so yes,how many children do you have in the age 0 to 7? number:...

the historic cellars are not accessible for wheelchairs and pushchairs. this can be parked inside the office in the basement (this is locked, so everything is safe, (but) children who could not walk, will have to be borne down (perhaps. of course, in cloth or maxicosi etc.). "also can be in damp cellars, people with asthma are advised to take this into account.

thanks for filling. "if you get you up as soon as possible after october 23 notice of us cadeaukeuzes etc.) do you have any questions / comments we hear it."
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