Tussen de samenkomst bij de notaris op 25 mei 2012 en het uiteindelijke ondertekenen op 31 mei 2012 zijn er géén onderhandelingen noch samenkomsten geweest waar de E.O.T. akte noch de opleg besproken werden.
Between the confluence with the notary on 25 may 2012 and the final signing on 31 May 2012, there are no negotiations or meetings where the E.o.t.. Act nor the lay-on were discussed.
Between the meeting with the notary on May 25, 2012 and the final signing on May 31, 2012, there have been no negotiations or meetings where the EOT Act nor the support were discussed.
Between the gathering at the notary on May 25, 2012 and the final sign on May 31, 2012 there are no negotiations or meetings where the E. O.T. act nor the last minute were discussed.