Mathematical Stefaan Vaes (39) of the Catholic University of Leuven has won the prestigious Francqui prize with his research on von Neumannalgebra's, mathematical structures that arise from quantum mechanics. That price is also called the "Belgian Nobel Prize" called.The Francqui prize is already since 1932 in turn awarded to a scientist from the exact, human or medical sciences. This year it was the turn of an exact scientist and the 39-year-old mathematician professor Stefaan Vaes with the price walk. The price depends on a fixed prize pool of EUR 250 000.V studies to the University of Leuven so-called von Neumannalgebra's. That are mathematical structures that arise from quantum mechanics. Von Neumannalgebra's are also used in knot theory, to show that never can be teased out some knots. With his research he reached ground-breaking results in the structure of operatorenalgebra's, which have an impact in other fundamental domains of mathematics.Stefaan Vaes is surprised and honored with the prize: "The contemporary research in mathematics is often quite abstract. The possible applications are perhaps only decades later. Such research is driven by the curiosity to discover and understand new mathematical structures ", it sounds in a press release. "With this price, I hope the mathematics in the spotlight and show just how fascinating some centuries old problems from analysis, algebra or geometry are.