‘Kuyt ophalen en Van den Berg en Narsingh halen, dan ben je klaar’Dins翻訳 - ‘Kuyt ophalen en Van den Berg en Narsingh halen, dan ben je klaar’Dins英語言う方法

‘Kuyt ophalen en Van den Berg en Na

‘Kuyt ophalen en Van den Berg en Narsingh halen, dan ben je klaar’
Dinsdag, 27 januari 2015 om 07:30
Dat het Feyenoord aan scorend vermogen ontbreekt, werd afgelopen zondag in de Klassieker tegen Ajax duidelijk. PSV en Ajax maakten dit seizoen respectievelijk 51 en 45 doelpunten, terwijl de teller van de club uit Rotterdam voorlopig op 33 treffers staat. Het is te makkelijk om met de beschuldigende vinger naar Colin Kazim-Richards te wijzen, zo vindt ook Mario Been.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
' Retrieve Kuyt and Van den Berg and N, then are you ready 'Tuesday, 27 January 2015 to 07: 30That the Feyenoord to goalscoring ability is missing, was clearly in the Classic against Ajax last Sunday. PSV and Ajax were respectively 51 and 45 goals this season, while the counter of the club based in Rotterdam hits 33 State for the time being. It's too easy to point finger at Colin Kazim-Richards, also will find Mario leg.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

"Kuyt pick and Van den Berg and pick Narsingh, then you're ready"
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 07:30
That the Feyenoord lack scoring ability, last Sunday was evident in the Classic against Ajax. PSV and Ajax made ​​this season, respectively, 51 and 45 goals, while the counter of the Rotterdam club provisionally on 33 hits state. It is too easy to point the finger at Colin Kazim-Richards, as also likes Mario Been.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

'Kuyt retrieve and Van den Berg and Narsingh, then you're ready'
tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 07:30
That the Feyenoord to scorend power missing, was last Sunday in the Classic against Ajax clearly. PSV and Ajax made this season 51 and 45 goals, while the counter of the club from Rotterdam provisionally on 33 hits.It is too easy to the finger of blame to Colin Kazim-Richards to point out, as is also Mario Bone.
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