Interest Rate Term Structure for pension funds from 31-01 -2015
According to the decisions of DNB is from January 1, 2015 driemaandsmiddeling no longer applied to the determination of the interest rate term structure
Interest Term Structure for pension funds from 30-09/ 2012
Against the background of the Septemberpakket september 30, 2012 pension funds is decided from the interest rate term structure for pension funds to be applied by the introduction of an ultimate forward rate(UFR). The driemaandsmiddeling, however, remains unchanged. This is a adaptation of the interest rate term structure for maturities from 20 years.For maturity to 20 years is the zero interest equal to the observed three months' average zero interest. For maturities from 21 years is the zero interest rate adjusted by the underlying 1 per annum interest to extrapolate forward to the so-called UFR of 4.2 %.The adjustment of the forward interest consists of a fixed weighting of the in the market observed forward interest(on the basis of the three month average swapcurve) with the UFR. For more information and the background to this decision we refer you to the notice on our website. The note in which the methodology is explained, is to be found in Open Book.
UFR methodology interest term structure THE CLIENT ON HIS definition
The nominal interest rate term structure for the Financial Assessment Framework (FTK) is constructed on the basis of the swapcurve
. This interest rate term structure to determination of the current
value of the pension obligations.
as data source of the construction of the nominal interest rate term structure is used
Published by Bloomberg (intra) European swaprentes for 1 t/m 10 years
(jaarintervallen), 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 years. Intermediate looptijdpunten to 30 years
and the 35- and 45-per annum swaprentes are not yet used. The trade in these
looptijdpunten is significantly less liquidity.
The swapcurve is built up of interest rates with a fixed interest rate at the 6-month
EURIBOR is exchanged. Is Selected for the 'composite rates' (code: CMPL) from Bloomberg
which reflect a kind of note receivable. The curve is based on the (lower)
pray-interest; Bloomberg shows a pray-sacrifice spread of 2 basis points.
Not available cq used looptijdpunten be estimated by intermediate forward
interest rates constant to assume.
There is in addition to the smoothing ( 'smoothen') of the forward curve, because the zero coupon
spot curve itself appears to be very evenly and smooth leads to only marginal
adjustments in the spotcurve.
There is no turn for credit risk in relation to the swapcurve used, because the vast majority of the swapmarkt
is covered with collateral. This is the credit risk
actually eliminated. Differences between the swapcurve and the interest rates of public-
bonds are under more affected by scarcity effects, so that the difference is not
Can unambiguously be interpreted as a proxy for credit risks of swaps.
does not take account of coupondagen which fall in the weekend and with leap
years. Such a refinement would have only a very limited influence.