Dit brengt mee dat de grieven van NUV c.s. in het principaal appel in 翻訳 - Dit brengt mee dat de grieven van NUV c.s. in het principaal appel in 英語言う方法

Dit brengt mee dat de grieven van N

Dit brengt mee dat de grieven van NUV c.s. in het principaal appel in zoverre slagen dat de door haar (subsidiair) gevorderde voorziening alsnog in beperkte vorm zal worden toegewezen. De incidentele grieven van Tom Kabinet treffen geen doel. Het hof ziet in de uitkomst van het geding voor zover dit betreft de zaak tussen NUV c.s. en Tom Kabinet aanleiding om de proceskosten van de eerste aanleg en het principaal appel te compenseren in dier voege dat ieder der partijen de eigen kosten draagt. Nu het incidenteel appel van Tom Kabinet grotendeels betrekking heeft op verweren die via de devolutieve werking van het appel ook in het principaal appel aan de orde zijn zal een kostenveroordeling in incidenteel appel achterwege blijven.
NUV c.s. zullen niet-ontvankelijk worden verklaard in het appel voor zover ingesteld tegen TKH en TKU. De aan de zijde van deze partijen gemaakte proceskosten worden begroot op nihil.
4 Beslissing
Het hof:
verklaart NUV c.s. niet-ontvankelijk in het appel voor zover dit is ingesteld tegen TKH en TKU;

veroordeelt NUV c.s. in de kosten van het hoger beroep voor zover aan de zijde van TKH en TKU gevallen en begroot deze op nihil;

vernietigt het vonnis waarvan beroep voor zover tussen NUV c.s. en Tom Kabinet gewezen en opnieuw rechtdoende:

verbiedt Tom Kabinet onrechtmatig te handelen jegens de bij NUV c.s. aangesloten uitgevers en hun auteurs door het aanbieden van een online dienst waarop illegaal gedownloade e-books kunnen worden verkocht;

veroordeelt Tom Kabinet tot betaling van een dwangsom van € 1.000,- voor iedere dag of gedeelte van een dag dat Tom Kabinet nadat drie dagen na betekening van dit arrest zijn verstreken in strijd handelt met voormeld verbod (4.4), met een maximum van € 300.000,-;

compenseert de kosten van het geding in beide instanties in dier voege dat ieder der partijen de eigen kosten draagt;

verklaart dit arrest uitvoerbaar bij voorraad;

wijst af het door NUV c.s. respectievelijk Tom Kabinet c.s. anders of meer gevorderde.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
This means that the grievances of NUV c.s. in the that the appeal to the extent that succeed (Alternatively) advanced supply still in limited form will be assigned. The occasional grievances by Tom take Cabinet no purpose. The Court in the outcome of the proceedings as far as this concerns the case between NUV c.s. and Tom prompted the Cabinet costs of the first instance and the appeal to compensate so that each party bears its own costs. Now the occasional Apple by Tom Cabinet largely relates to avail via the devolutieve operation of the Apple are also in the principal will cost Apple a condemnation in occasional Apple not taken.NUV c.s. will be rejected as inadmissible in so far as the Apple brought against TKH and TKU. The parties made to the side of this process costs are rated at nil.4 DecisionThe Court:4.1NUV c.s. inadmissible in the Apple explains in so far as it is brought against TKH and TKU;4.2condemns NUV c.s. in the cost of the appeal as far as on the side of TKH and TKU cases and rated this on nil;4.3destroys the judgment whose job as far as between NUV c.s. and Tom Cabinet pointed out and again rechtdoende:4.4Tom to act unlawfully towards the Cabinet prohibits at NUV c.s. connected publishers and their authors by offering an online service which illegally downloaded e-books can be sold;4.5condemns Tom Cabinet to pay a penalty payment of € 1.000,-for each day or part of a day that Tom Cabinet after three days after service of this judgment have passed acts in breach of the aforementioned prohibition (4.4), with a maximum of € 300,000;4.6offsets the costs of the proceedings in both instances so that each party bears its own costs;4.7This judgment declared provisionally enforceable;4.8the rebuff by NUV c.s. respectively Tom Cabinet c.s. different or more advanced.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This implies that the grievances of NUV cs in the main appeal succeed to the extent that its (alternatively) relief claimed to be allocated still in limited form. The occasional grievances Tom Cabinet irrelevant. The court looks at the outcome of the proceedings insofar as it concerns the case between NUV cs and Tom Cabinet rise to offset the costs of the first instance and the principal appeal in the sense that each party bear its own costs. Now the cross-appeal of Tom Cabinet largely relates to defenses that through the devolutive effect of the appeal in the main appeal raised his will for costs in cross appeal omitted.
NUV cs be inadmissible in the apple for so far against TKH and TKU. The budgeted costs of the proceedings on the part of those parties at nil.
4 Decision
The court:
explains NUV cs inadmissible in this appeal insofar brought against TKH and TKU; 4.2 condemns NUV cs the costs of the appeal as far to the side of TKH and TKU cases and estimated it to nil; 4.3 destroys the judgment of the court to the extent that between NUV cs and Tom Cabinet rejected and a new judgment: 4.4 prohibits Tom Cabinet unlawful act against the publishers affiliated with NUV cs their authors can be sold by offering an online service which illegally downloaded e-books; 4.5 Tom Cabinet condemned to pay a fine of € 1.000, - for each day or part of a day that Tom Cabinet after three days of service of That judgment is passed in breach of the aforementioned prohibition (4.4), with a maximum of € 300 000, -; 4.6 compensates for the costs of the proceedings in both instances in the sense that each party bear its own costs; 4.7 above explains feasible in stock; 4.8 rejects the NUV cs respectively by Tom Cabinet cs different or more advanced.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This implies that the complaints of NUV c. s. in the principal apple in so far as the beats that by its (alternative) advanced supply still in limited form will be assigned. The occasional complaints of Tom Cabinet shall take no purpose. The court sees in the outcome of the proceedings in so far as this is concerned, the case between NUV c. s.And Tom Cabinet response to the costs of the first instance and the principal apple to compensate so that each of the parties shall bear their own costs.Now the occasional apple of Tom Cabinet largely relates to defend the devolutieve operation of the apple in the principal appeal to the order will be a perhaps in occasional apple omitted.
NUV c. s. will be declared inadmissible in so far as set against the apple for TKH and TKU.The on the side of the parties incurred costs are estimated at nil.
4 Decision
The court:
declares NUV c. s. inadmissible in so far as it is in the appeal brought against TKH and TKU;

condemns NUV c. s. in the costs of the appeal in so far as on the side of TKH and TKU cases and costed this nil;

Annuls the judgment of which appeal to the extent that between NUV c. s. and Tom Cabinet pointed out and again in answer:

prohibits illegal Tom Cabinet to act against the NUV c. s. connected publishers and their authors by the provision of an online service which illegally downloaded e-books can be sold;

condemns Tom Cabinet for payment of a penalty of 1,000,- For each day or part of a day that Tom Cabinet after three days after notification of this judgment are elapsed in breach of the aforesaid prohibition (4.4), with a maximum of EUR 300,000, - ;

compensates for the costs of the proceedings in both bodies in such a way that each of the parties shall bear their own costs;

declares this judgment enforceable in stock;

Dismisses the NUV by c. s. respectively Tom Cabinet c. s. different or more advanced.
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