Geachte heer, mevrouw,
Enige tijd geleden hebben wij u een verzoek gestuurd om de meterstanden voor de jaarafrekening voor het adres Schanshoek 21, AMSTELVEEN door te geven. Op 23 november 2015 waren uw meterstanden nog niet bij ons bekend. Heeft u uw standen al doorgegeven? Dan kunt u deze e-mail negeren. Als u uw meterstanden nog niet heeft doorgegeven, wilt u dit dan voor 16-12-2015 doen? U maakt nog steeds automatisch kans op de iPad mini!
Door uw meterstanden op tijd aan ons door te geven, weet u zeker dat wij het juiste verbruik in rekening brengen. Als we deze meterstanden niet ontvangen, moeten wij het verbruik schatten
Zo geeft u uw meterstanden door:
Klik op de onderstaande knop en u ziet welke meterstanden we van u nodig hebben. Het opnamenummer is al voor u ingevuld. Neemt u de standen over van uw meter en vul ze vervolgens in.
Klik hier om de meterstanden door te geven
Geeft u uw meterstanden liever telefonisch door? Bel dan 0800 9196 (gratis), houd het opnamenummer uit deze e-mail bij de hand en volg de aanwijzingen van onze spraakcomputer.
Dear Sir or Madam,Some time ago we sent a request to the meter readings for the annual reckoning for the address Ski corner 21, AMSTELVEEN. On 23 november 2015 your meter readings were not yet known to us. Do you have your settings already passed? You can ignore this email. If you have not yet passed your meter readings, would you do this than for 16-12-2015? You still makes automatic chance on the iPad mini!By your meter readings on time to us, are you sure we the right consumption. If we do not receive this meter readings, we estimate consumptionTo specify your meter readings by:Click on the button below and you can see which meter readings we need from you. The record number is already filled in for you. Take the results from your meter and then fill them in. Click here to view the meter readings to pass Gives you your meter readings prefer by telephone? Please call 0800 9196 (free), keep the recording number from this email at hand and follow the instructions of our voice computer.

Dear Sir or Madam,
Some time ago we sent you a request for the meter readings for the annual settlement for the address Schanshoek 21 AMSTELVEEN pass. On November 23, 2015 on your meter readings were not known to us yet. Have you already submitted your positions? Please ignore this email. If you have passed your meter yet, do you want to do this than 16-12-2015? You will still a chance of the iPad mini!
With your meter in time to give to us, you can be sure we get the right usage charge. If we do not receive these readings, we must estimate the
way you provide your meter readings:
Click on the button below and you will see the meter we need from you. The frame number is already entered for you. Take positions on your meter and then fill them in. Click here to pass on the meter readings you rather call your meter? Call 0800 9196 (free of charge), hold the frame number from this email at hand and follow the instructions of our voice computer.

dear sir / madam, "some time ago we have sent a request to the meterstanden for jaarafrekening to address schanshoek 21, amstelveen to pass. on 23 november 2015 your meterstanden were not known to us. has your life been transferred? you can ignore this email. if you meterstanden has not passed, would you like this to 16 december're still on the ipad mini automatic chance! "by your meterstanden on time for us to give, you sure we take into account the correct consumption. if we have not received this meterstanden, we estimate the consumption that gives you your meterstanden by: (click on the button below and you can see what meterstanden we need from you. the survey number is already filled in for you.take the settings on your feet and fill them in.
click here to give to the meterstanden
"you give your meterstanden rather by phone? call 0800 9196 (free), keep the survey number from this e-mail in the hand and follow the instructions of our spraakcomputer. "