'Ik gun Ajax de titel en ik meen dat ook oprecht. Ajax mag dan kampioen van de armoe genoemd worden, ze hebben het beter gedaan dan de rest en dus worden ze terecht kampioen. Het is jammer dat Ajax niet wordt uitgedaagd
' I do not begrudge Ajax the title and I believe that sincerely. Ajax may be called the champion of poverty, they have done better than the rest and so are they champion. It is a pity that Ajax is not challenged
"I do not begrudge Ajax the title and I believe sincerely. Ajax may then be called champion of poverty, they have done better than the rest, so they are rightly champion. It is unfortunate that Ajax is not challenged
'I gun Ajax the title and i sincerely believe that. Ajax may be called champion of the poverty, they have done better than the rest, and so they are rightly champion. It is a pity that Ajax is not challenged