IJshockeylegende, Ron Berteling, heeft vanmiddag middels een schrijven翻訳 - IJshockeylegende, Ron Berteling, heeft vanmiddag middels een schrijven英語言う方法

IJshockeylegende, Ron Berteling, he

IJshockeylegende, Ron Berteling, heeft vanmiddag middels een schrijven aan bestuur en technische commissie van de Amstel Tijgers laten weten geen behoefte te hebben actief te zijn voor de vereniging komend seizoen. Er zijn wat Ron betreft te veel dingen gebeurd tussen hem en een aantal personen in het bestuur en de vereniging die hem hiertoe hebben doen besluiten.

Het gehele bestuur, bestaande uit Ingrid Veltman, Boris Hilberdink en Ben van Duin, laat weten de beslissing van Ron buitengewoon te betreuren. Er is bij hen erg veel respect en waardering voor Ron, zijn inzet en het niveau van zijn trainingen bij de Amsterdamse jeugd.

De meeste van de huidige Amsterdamse spelers in het eerste team zijn ooit als klein jochie bij Ron op het ijs begonnen. Dat geeft tevens aan hoe lang Ron al met deze spelersgroep aan de slag is.

“We zullen Ron enorm missen en mocht hij van gedachte veranderen dan is er zeker weer plaats voor hem bij het Amsterdamse ijshockey.”

Ten gevolge van Ron zijn beslissing is er een vacature ontstaan bij de Amstel Tijgers voor de functie van hoofdtrainer bij de jeugd. Wat betreft het eerste team is er eveneens een vacature voor een trainer/coach.

De club is voornemens op zo kort mogelijke termijn aan de leden te zullen communiceren wie de functies van de moeilijk vervangbare Ron Berteling gaan invullen.

“Met het huidige ledental en de te verwachten groei, was de werklast voor Ron onevenredig groot. We waren op zoek naar mensen die voor een verbreding van het trainingsaanbod konden zorgen. Dit zagen wij als een aanvulling op wat we met Ron al in huis hadden. We zullen ons nu nog ruimer moeten gaan oriënteren.”

Het sinds 6 dagen aangetreden bestuur had deze week onderling overeenstemming over de inzet van Ron bereikt en zou hier maandag met een deel van de technische commissie over in gesprek gaan, waarna direct met Ron zou worden afgesproken.

De ambitie is in ieder geval onverminderd. De vereniging streeft er nog steeds naar een club met het beste trainingsaanbod en de grootste groei in alle leeftijdscategorieën te zijn.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ice hockey legend, Ron Berteling, has this afternoon through a letter to directors and Technical Committee of the Amstel Tijgers indicated no need to have to be active for the Club next season. There are what Ron is concerned too many things happened between him and a number of persons in the Board and the Association that have him to decide.The entire Board, consisting of Ingrid Veltman, Boris Hall and Ben van Duin, lets find the decision of Ron extremely regrettable. There is with them very much respect and appreciation for Ron, his commitment and the level of his training at the Amsterdam youth.Most of the current Amsterdam players in the first team are ever as small twink at Ron on the ice began. That also indicates how long Ron already with this group of players to get started."We will change if he thought Ron huge Miss and then there's sure place for him at the Amsterdam ice hockey."As a result of Ron his decision is a vacancy arise on the Amstel Tigers for the post of head coach at the youth. As far as the first team, there is also a vacancy for a trainer/coach.The club intends as soon as possible to the members to communicate who the functions of the difficult replaceable Ron Berteling fill in."With the current membership and the expected growth, the workload for Ron disproportionate. We were looking for people for a broadening of the training offer could provide. We saw this as an addition to what we already had with Ron. We will now have to go even more spacious Orient. "The Board had since 6 days in Office this week reached agreement among themselves on the use of Ron and would here Monday with a part of the technical Commission on talk, after which would be agreed directly with Ron.The ambition is in any case notwithstanding. The Association still strives to a club with the best training offer and the biggest growth in all age categories.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Hockey Legend, Ron Bertling, this afternoon through a letter to the board and technical committee of the Amstel Tigers let you know no need to have to be active for the club next season. There are some Ron regards to many things happened between him and a number of people on the board and the association have him decide to do so. The entire Board, consisting of Ingrid Veltman, Boris Hilberdink and Ben van Duin, today announced the decision of Ron extremely regrettable. There is among them a lot of respect and appreciation for Ron, his commitment and the level of his training at the Amsterdam youth. Started out with Ron on the ice like a little kid most of the Amsterdam players in the first team. It also shows how long Ron already started with this group of players. "Will Ron be missed enormously and he might of thought change then there is definitely room for him at the Amsterdam ice hockey." As a result of Ron's decision is a vacancy at the Amstel Tigers for the position of head coach at the youth. As to the first team there is also a vacancy for a trainer / coach. The club intends shortest possible time will communicate to the members who will fill the hard replaceable Ron Bertling functions. "With the current membership and the expected growth, the workload for Ron was disproportionate. We were looking for people who could provide a broadening of the training offer. We saw this as an addition to what we already had in house with Ron. We will now have to orient more comprehensive. " It since 6 days appointed to the board had this week reached mutual agreement on the deployment of Ron and would here Monday with a part of the technical committee will talk, and would be directly with Ron agreed. The ambition is certainly undiminished. The association strives to remain at a club with the best training and offer the greatest growth in all age groups.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
ijshockeylegende, ron berteling, this afternoon in a letter to management and technical committee of the amstel tigers do not need to be active for the club next season. there are some ron subject to many things happened between him and a number of people in the government and the association to have him make decisions.the whole board, consisting of ingrid veltman, boris and hilberdink of dune, make the decision of ron extremely regrettable. they"re very much respect and appreciation for ron, his commitment and the level of training in the amsterdam youth.most of the current dutch players in the first team as a little boy with ron started on the ice. it also indicates how long this spelersgroep ron in the battle."we will greatly miss ron and if he change his mind there is another place for him in the amsterdam hockey."as a result of ron"s decision, there is a vacancy created by the amstel tigers for the position of head coach to the youth. what is the first team is also a vacancy for a trainer / coach.the club intends shortly to members who will communicate to the functions of the hard replaceable ron berteling fill."with the current members and the expected growth, the workload for ron disproportionate. we were looking for people for a broadening of the trainingsaanbod could provide. we saw this as an extension of what we already had in place with ron. we will now go to broader direction. "since 6 days post administration this week on the mutual agreement and commitment of ron reached here monday with a part of the technical committee on talk and directly with ron would be agreed.the ambition is in any case without prejudice. the association is still a club with the best trainingsaanbod and the largest growth in all age groups.
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