Jeffrey Vanan is sinds enkele uren Surinames snelste man. Hij is zater翻訳 - Jeffrey Vanan is sinds enkele uren Surinames snelste man. Hij is zater英語言う方法

Jeffrey Vanan is sinds enkele uren

Jeffrey Vanan is sinds enkele uren Surinames snelste man. Hij is zaterdag in het bezit gekomen van het nationaal Surinaams record op de 100 meter. Tijdens de Meeting International d'athletisme de Saint-Laurent Du Maroni, een outdoorrace in Saint Laurent, Frans-Guyana klokte de atleet van Agile 10,28 seconden.

Saillant detail is dat hij Ifrish Alberg, die enkele jaren de titel Surinames snelste atleet droeg met een tijd van 10,29 seconden, klopte. Alberg werd tweede in 10,35 seconden.

Op 7 mei had Vanan ook al gewonnen van Alberg tijdens de Curacao Invitational in Willemstad. Na die race keerde Vanan terug naar Suriname in verband met schoolverplichtingen. Alberg vloog naar Sint Maarten en werd toen vijfde op de 100 meter in 10,81 seconden.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jeffrey Virata is Surinam's fastest man for several hours. He is Saturday came into possession of the Surinamese national record in the 100 meters. During the Meeting International d'athletisme de Saint-Laurent Du Maroni, a outdoorrace in Saint Laurent, French Guiana clocked 10.28 seconds Agile athlete. Salient detail is that he Ifrish Alberg, which for some years the title Surinam's fastest athlete contributed with a time of 10,29 seconds, knocked. Alberg was second in 10.35 seconds.On May 7, Virata had also already won Alberg during the Curacao Invitational in Willemstad. After that race turned From back to Suriname related to school obligations. Alberg flew to St. Maarten, then was fifth in the 100 meters in 10.81 seconds.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Jeffrey Vanan is since a few hours Surinames fastest man. He is saturday came into the possession of the national Surinamese record on the 100 meters. During the Meeting International d'athletisme Saint-Laurent Du Maroni, a outdoorrace in Saint Laurent, French Guiana posted the athlete of Agile 10.28 seconds.

Salient detail is that he Ifrish Alberg,A few years the title Surinames fastest athlete contributed with a time of 10.29 seconds, hitting. The Alberg was second in 10.35 seconds.

On 7 May had also already have won Vanan of Alberg during the Curacao Invitational in Willemstad. After that race returned Vanan back to Suriname in connection with schoolverplichtingen. The Alberg flew to Sint Maarten and was fifth in the 100 meters in 10.81 seconds.
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