Betreft: Factuur/creditnota voor KOIZUMI KOZUE, klantnummer 429647.
Beste klant,
Hierbij vindt u de factuur/creditnota VKP150598688 op datum van 16/09/2015 op leveringsadres GROTE PIETER POTSTRAAT 4 Bus 2 app 2, 2000 ANTWERPEN voor een bedrag van 2,08 euro inclusief BTW.
Gelieve te betalen op rekening (IBAN) BE56 0963 1030 0088 (BIC GKCCBEBB) met mededeling +++205/0598/68864+++.
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water-linkSubject: invoice/credit note for KOIZUMI KOZUE, customer number 429647. Dear customer, Hereby you will find the invoice/credit memo VKP150598688 at date 16/09/2015 on delivery address LARGE PIETER POTSTRAAT 4 Bus 2 app 2, 2000 Antwerp for an amount of 2.08 euros including VAT. Please pay on account (IBAN) 1030 0088 (BIC GKCCBEBB) 0963 BE56 with communication + + + + + + 205/0598/68864. On the services provided by water-link, are the General Water sales rules and particular Water sales regulation applicable. Here you will find additional useful information. Note for Windows 8 users: If you use the default pdf reader of Windows 8, it is possible that you do not see the contents of the document.We recommend that you use Adobe Reader for Windows install to solve this.Click here for installation in this screen, click on "Download now" and follow the instructions.Yours sincerely, water-link Please note that this is an automatically generated mail. An answer/reply to this mail is not processed. By choosing electronic documents carries you along with water-link to a better living environment. water-linkManage your documents safely and easily online by choosing Doccle

Subject: Invoice / credit note for KOIZUMI Kozue, account number 429647. Dear customer, Here you will find the invoice / credit note VKP150598688 on the date of 09.16.2015 on delivery address BIG PIETER Potstraat 4 Bus 2 app 2, 2000 for an amount ANTWERP of 2.08 euro including VAT. Please pay on account number (IBAN) BE56 0963 1030 0088 (BIC GKCCBEBB) with communication +++ +++ 205/0598/68864. On the services of water-link its General Regulations and Water sales the Special Water Sales Rules. Here you will find additional useful information. Note for Windows 8 users:. If you use the default PDF reader for Windows 8, it is possible that you do not see the content of the document, we recommend that you Adobe Reader users to install Windows to resolve this. Click here for installation, this screen click on "Download Now" and follow the instructions. Yours sincerely, water-link Note: This is an automatically generated mail. An answer / reply this mail will not be processed. By choosing electronic documents carries you along with water-link to a better environment. water-link to Manage your documents securely and easily online by choosing Doccle

Subject: Invoice/credit note for KOIZUMI KOZUE, customer number 429647.
Best customer,
Please find the invoice/credit note VKP150598688 on date of 16/09/2015 on delivery address LARGE PIETER POTSTRAAT 4 Bus 2 app 2, 2000 ANTWERP for a amount of 2.08 euros including VAT.
Please pay on account (IBAN) BE56 0963 1030 0088 (BIC GKCCBEBB) with communication 205/0598/68864.
On the services of water-link are the General and particular Waterverkoopreglement Waterverkoopreglement of application.
Here you will find additional useful information.
Note for Windows 8-users:
If you the default pdf reader for Windows 8 is used, the content of the document does not see.
We recommend you to install Adobe Reader for Windows in order to be able to solve this.
Click here for installation, click in this screen to "Download Now" and follow the instructions.
Yours Sincerely,
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