Zo'n nummer in vierkwartsmaat met koebel.Als ik 'n geluid op zo'n plaa翻訳 - Zo'n nummer in vierkwartsmaat met koebel.Als ik 'n geluid op zo'n plaa英語言う方法

Zo'n nummer in vierkwartsmaat met k

Zo'n nummer in vierkwartsmaat met koebel.

Als ik 'n geluid op zo'n plaat hoor, wil ik dat ook maken.

What an invention.

He loved dance music.

There goes Duck.

Donald ' Duck ' Dunn, our bass player.

And a world drummer: Al Jackson.

John Lennon found it also very good.

It actually began as a brass motif.

The rhythmic part is later come.

It's danceable, with n ' Nice line for the blazers.

... and tight guitar and bass lines.

There you can on dancing.

We celebrate played as escorts on most boards that Stax brought out.

We rarely performed as Booker T & the mg's.

.. Despite the success of "Green Onions".

How do you define 't Stax sound?

According to me this was something what can arise by chance only.

It was a collection, a kind of melting pub of musicians.

with all kinds of backgrounds.

Right at the heart of the Delta, all States together:

Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee.

The people plying the river up and down.

Of course it was a mixed group.

We worked in a black neighborhood in Memphis.

The record store of Stax was also in that district.

The customers were interested in a lot of extinguishing thereof plates,

There was racial segregation in the city, but Stax was mixed.

In one way or another, we could get away with it.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Such a number in 4/4 time with cowbell.If I hear a sound on such a plate, I want also.What an invention.He loved dance music.There goes Duck.Donald ' Duck ' Dunn, our bass player.And a world drummer: Al Jackson.John Lennon found it also very good.It actually began as a brass motif.The rhythmic part is later come.It's danceable, with n ' Nice line for the blazers.... and tight guitar and bass lines.There you can on dancing.We celebrate played as escorts on most boards that Stax brought out.We rarely performed as Booker T & the mg's... Despite the success of "Green Onions".How do you define 't Stax sound?According to me this was something what can arise by chance only.It was a collection, a kind of melting pub or musicians.with all kinds of backgrounds.Right at the heart of the Delta, all States together:Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee.The people or plying the river up and down.Of course it was a mixed group.We worked in a black neighborhood in Memphis.The record store or Stax was also in that district.The customers were interested in a lot of plates as self-extinguishing thereof,There was racial segregation in the city, but Stax was mixed.In one way or another, we could get away with it.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Such a number in four-four time with cowbell. If I hear one sound on an album, I want to make it. What an invention '. He loved dance music. There goes Duck. Donald 'Duck' Dunn, our bass player. And a world drummer. Al Jackson . John Lennon found it usefull very good . It Actually Began as a brass motif The rhythmic part is come later. It's danceable, with n 'Nice line for the blowers. ... and tight guitar and basslines. There you can on dancing. We celebrate played as escorts on most boards That Stax brought` out. We Rarely Performed as Booker T & The MG's. .. Despite the success of "Green Onions". How do you define 't Stax sound? According to me this was something what can Arise by chance only. It was a collection, a kind or melting pub or musicians. with all kinds of backgrounds. Right at the heart of the Delta, all States together: Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. The people plying the river up and down. Of course it was a mixed group. We worked in a black neighborhood in Memphis. The record store or Stax was ook in That district. The customers were interested in a lot or extinguishing thereof platters There was racial segregation in the city, but Stax was mixed. In one way or another, we could get away with it.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
With such a number in vierkwartsmaat koebel.

If i 'n sound to hear such a plate, i.

What an invention.

He loved dance music.

There goes Duck.

Donald Duck ' ' Dunn, our bass player.

And a world drummer: Al Jackson.

John Lennon found it also very good.

It actually began as a brass motif.

The rhythmic part is later come.

It's danceable, with n ' Nice line for the blazers.

... And tight guitar and bass lines.

There you can on dancing.

We celebrate played shaft escorts on most boards that Stax brought out.

We rarely performed shaft Booker T & the mg's .

.. Despite the success or "Green Onions" .

How do you define 't Stax sound?

According to me this was something what can arise by chance only.

It was a collection, a child or melting pub or musicians.

With all Heimbach Gen. goethe or backgrounds.

Right at the heart or the Delta, all States together:

Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee.

The people plying the river up and down.

Or course it was a mixed group.

We worked in a black neighborhood in Memphis.

The record store or Stax was also in that district.

The customers were interested in a fate or extinguishing thereof plates,

Furthermore There was segregation in the city, but Stax was mixed.

In one way or another, we could get away with it.
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