In naam van onze vriendschap wil ik je op de meest respectvolle manier翻訳 - In naam van onze vriendschap wil ik je op de meest respectvolle manier英語言う方法

In naam van onze vriendschap wil ik

In naam van onze vriendschap wil ik je op de meest respectvolle manier vragen rekening te houden met het feit dat deze voor haar erg belangrijk zijn. Uiteraard onderschat ik de emotionele waarde voor jou van deze prints niet, samen met jouw redenen ze te willen houden. Toch kan ikzelf enkel beamen dat zij het enorm zou appreciëren dat deze prints samen met de rest vanavond mee verhuisd kunnen worden.”
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the name of our friendship, I would like to ask you in the most respectful way to take account of the fact that these are very important for her. Obviously I underestimated the emotional value for you of these prints don't, along with your reasons to want to keep them. However, I only agree that they would appreciate it enormously that these prints can be moved along with the rest tonight with it. "
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In the name of our friendship, I want to keep you in the most respectful way to ask account of the fact that these are very important for her. Obviously, I underestimated the emotional value to you of these prints are not, along with your reasons to want to keep them. Yet I myself can only concur that they would appreciate enormously that these prints along with the rest can be moved along tonight. "
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the name of our friendship, i ask you in the most respectful way to take into account the fact that these are very important for her. Of course i underestimated the emotional value for you of these prints not, together with your reasons to want to keep them.However, i myself only concur that they would appreciate the huge along with the rest of the prints can be moved this evening."
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