Ik bericht u dat leges voor de aanvraag met het bovengenoemde zaaknummer zijn ontvangen. Ik vertrouw erop dat ik u voldoende heb geïnformeerd. Deze brief is geproduceerd in een geautomatiseerd proces en daarom niet ondertekend.
I notice you that fees for the application with the above case number have been received.I trust that I have informed you sufficiently.This letter was produced in an automated process and therefore not signed.
I notice you have received the fees for the application of the above case number. I am confident that I have enough information. This letter is produced in an automated process and therefore not signed.
I notice that you fees for the application with the above case number is received. I am confident that i have informed you enough. This letter is produced in an automated process and is therefore not signed.