'Vooraf weet je dat dit een moeilijke wedstrijd voor Ajax wordt, zeker gezien de laatste wedstrijden', begon Ronald de Boer. 'Twente was bovendien een team in vorm, met een paar echt goede spelers.'
' Do you know that this is a difficult game for Ajax is, especially considering the last matches ', began Ronald de Boer. ' Twente was also a team in form, with a couple of really good players. '
'Before you know this is a difficult game for Ajax, especially given the recent events, "Ronald de Boer began. 'Twente was also a team in form, with a few really good players. "
'You know that this is a difficult match for Ajax is, certainly in the light of the last competitions', began Ronald de Boer. 'Twente was also a team in form, with a few really good players.'