Het herdenken gebeurt in de gemeente Tholen over het algemeen op klein翻訳 - Het herdenken gebeurt in de gemeente Tholen over het algemeen op klein英語言う方法

Het herdenken gebeurt in de gemeent

Het herdenken gebeurt in de gemeente Tholen over het algemeen op kleinschalige manier (muv 2013) Vaak in de vorm van een kranslegging of iets dergelijks. In het dorp Sint-Maartensdijk was de schade destijds relatief beperkt. In naburige dorpen waren er bijvoorbeeld veel meer slachtoffers. Hierdoor lijkt de aandacht voor het herdenken in het dorp waar de school staat kleiner. Kinderen worden hiervoor uitgenodigd. Dit zijn vaak activiteiten zonder verplichte deelname en meestal buiten de schooltijden.
3. Is er aansturing vanuit de overheid op dit onderwerp en zoja op welke manier?
Landelijke overheid
In Nederland is vrijheid van inrichting van onderwijs. Dat wil zeggen dat scholen zelf invulling mogen geven aan het lesprogramma. De overheid geeft wel globale kerndoelen waaraan het onderwijs inhoudelijk moet voldoen.
Over het onderwerp “strijd tegen het water” wordt in “kerndoel 48” (Oriëntatie op jezelf en de wereld, ruimte) gemeld: Kinderen leren over de maatregelen die in Nederland genomen worden/werden om de bewoning van door water bedreigde gebieden mogelijk te maken.
In kerndoel 53 (Oriëntatie op jezelf en de wereld, tijd) wordt gemeld: De leerlingen leren over de belangrijke historische gebeurtenissen uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis en kunnen die voorbeeldmatig verbinden met de wereldgeschiedenis.
Daarnaast is er de zogenoemde canon van Nederland, hierin is de Watersnood van 1953 een van de 50 geschiedkundige onderwerpen die in het Nederlands geschiedenis onderwijs aan de orde dient te komen.
Samenvattend: er is aansturing, de Watersnood en de strijd tegen het water zijn onderwerpen die behandeld dienen te worden, echter de invulling is vrij.
Provinciale en gemeentelijke overheid
In de Provincie Zeeland en de gemeente Tholen is aandacht voor de herdenking van de Watersnoodramp. Dit vaak in de vorm van gesubsidieerde projecten zoals tentoonstellingen, herdenkingen, uitgaven van boeken of andere media. Scholen zijn vrij om hieraan deel te nemen.
Op dit moment worden in onze regio de dijken verzwaard en verhoogd. De kinderen van de hogere groepen worden door de uitvoerende bedrijven uitgenodigd om de werken te bezoeken. Enerzijds als
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Remembering occurs in the municipality of Tholen generally on small-scale way (except 2013) often in the form of a wreath laying or something like that. In the village of Sint-maartensdijk was at the time the damage is relatively limited. For example, in the neighbouring villages there were many more victims. This makes the attention for commemorating in the village where the school is smaller. Children are invited. These are often activities without compulsory participation and usually outside of school hours.3. Is there control from the Government on this topic and if so in what way?Rural GovernmentIn Netherlands is freedom of establishment of education. That is to say that schools should inform the meaning curriculum. The Government does provide global nuclear targets to which the content of education must meet. On the subject of "struggle against the water" is in "core goal 48" (orientation on yourself and the world, space) reported: children learn about the measures that were taken in the Netherlands be/habitation of areas threatened by water. In core purpose 53 (Orientation on yourself and the world, time) is reported: the students learn about the important historical events in Dutch history and can connect with the world history sample intervals.In addition, there is the so-called canon of Netherlands, the North Sea flood of 1953 is one of the 50 historical topics covered in the Dutch history teaching should be on the agenda.To sum up, there is the fight against the flood control, and water are topics that should be covered, however the content is free.Provincial and municipal governmentIn the province of Zeeland and the municipality of Tholen is attention to the commemoration of the flood disaster. This is often in the form of subsidized projects such as exhibitions, memorial services, expenditure of books or other media. Schools are free to participate. In our region the dykes are currently weighted down and increased. The children of the higher groups are submitted by the contractors invited to the working visit. On the one hand as
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Commemorating happening in the municipality Tholen generally on small scale (except 2013), often in the form of a wreath or something. In the village of St. Maartensdijk the damage was relatively limited time. In neighboring villages, there were for example many more victims. This seems to be the focus for the commemoration of the village where the school is smaller. Children are invited. These are often activities without mandatory participation and mostly outside of school hours.
3. Is there guidance from the government on this issue and if so in what way?
National Government
In the Netherlands, freedom to organize education. This means that schools themselves may give substance to the curriculum. The government does provide general attainment targets which the school must meet content.
On the subject of "fight against the water" is reported in "core purpose 48" (Guidance on yourself and the world, space): Children learn about the measures taken in the Netherlands / were to allow the occupation of areas threatened by water.
In core goal 53 (Guidance on yourself and the world, time) is reported: The students learn about the important historical events from Dutch history and be able to connect example moderate with world history .
Then there is the so-called canon of the Netherlands, this is the Flood of 1953 one of the 50 historical subjects that should be addressed in Dutch history education.
In summary, there is control, the Flood and the fight against the water Topics to be covered, but the content is free.
Provincial and municipal government
in the province of Zeeland and the municipality of Tholen is attention to the commemoration of the Flood. This often takes the form of subsidized projects such as exhibitions, commemorations, editions of books or other media. Schools are free to participate.
At this time in our region aggravated and increased the dikes. The children of the higher groups are invited by the contracting companies to visit the works. Both as
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The remembrance is in the municipality of Tholen generally on small-scale way (except 2013) Often in the form of a kranslegging or something like that. In the village of Sint-Maartensdijk was the damage was relatively limited. For example, there are many In neighboring villages were more victims. This seems to be the focus for the remembrance in the village where the school is smaller.Children are invited to these. These are often activities without mandatory participation and usually outside the schooltijden.
3. There Is control from the government on this issue and if so in what way?
Rural government
In The Netherlands is freedom of establishment of education. That is to say that schools themselves may give substance to the curriculum.The government does global fundamentals which the education content must comply.
On the subject of the "fight against the water" is in "core objective 48" (Guidance on yourself and the world, space) reported: Children learn about the measures taken in the Netherlands which are/were to the residential areas threatened by water.
In core objective 53 (Orientation on yourself and the world, time) is reported: The students learn about the major historical events in Dutch history and can connect to the history which voorbeeldmatig.
In addition there is the so-called canon of The Netherlands,It is the flood of 1953 one of the 50 historical topics in the Dutch history education, should.
Summary: there is control, the Flood and the fight against the water are subjects that should be treated, however, the interpretation is free.
Provincial and municipal government
In the Province of Zeeland and the municipality of Tholen is attention to the commemoration of the flood disaster. This is often in the form of subsidized projects such as exhibitions, commemorations, expenditure of books, or other media. Schools are free to take part.
At this time in our region the dykes and increased burden.The children of the higher groups are invited by the exporting companies to visit the work. On one hand if
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