Because of severe allergy that is emerging in our son of 4 years we are forced to look for another house for two young cats of August 2015,
we call them Nicky and Simon, and they are from 10 weeks in our possession and it was always very good but The last few weeks we notice our son already reacts vigorously with the kittens.
Doctor says it's because of the pets and it is better to do away with them again.
The kittens are almost half a year and they come together in a nest so we would appreciate it if they can also live on together, it's really two hands on a belly, so nice they play with each other and often are sleeping in a basket.
The pussy is patches and the hangover is tabby with white muzzle.
We ask € 125, - per kitten and if you take them together than € 200, -
Kittens are not helped, it vaccinated and wormed but have never had the book of the first vendor so that's probably not have happened.
She both are very good health, eat well and defecate and urinate well in the litter you erook to get if you take them together.
For further information about the kittens, please send an email with you phone number. and I will call you to quickly create an appointment. this weekend to pick up already.