Met zijn vierde landstitel in 3,5 jaar zou Ajax-trainer Frank de Boer de opportunisten die zijn selectie in oktober 2013 als het slechtste Ajax ooit bestempelden van repliek dienen. Zondag op bezoek bij Vitesse zou het al zover kunnen zijn
With its fourth League title in 3.5 years Frank de Boer Ajax trainer would the opportunists that his selection in October 2013 as the worst ever reply to Ajax-accidentally blacklisted. Sunday visiting Vitesse would already be so far
With his fourth title in 3.5 years Ajax coach Frank de Boer would opportunists who should be selected in October 2013 as the worst ever Ajax labeled reply. Sunday visiting Vitesse would already be far
With its fourth landstitel in 3.5 years would be Ajax-trainer Frank de Boer the opportunists who are selection in October 2013 as the worst ever Ajax how to reply. Sunday to visit at Vitesse would already so far as can be