De zaakwaarnemer van de aanvaller, Mino Raiola, bereikte op hoofdlijnen overeenstemming over een vierjarig contract met de Romeinen, die bereid zijn bovenop de transfersom van drie miljoen tien procent bij doorverkoop neer te tellen.
The agent, Mino Raiola, the attacker reached on outline agreement on a four-year contract with the Romans, made on top of the transfer fee of three million to count down by ten percent in sales.
The manager of the attacker, Mino Raiola, reached broad agreement on a four-year contract with the Romans, who are willing to pay on top of the transfer fee of three million ten percent by selling down.
The trustees of the attacker, Mino Raiola, reached broad agreements on a four-year contract with the Romans, who are prepared on top of the transfer fee of three million ten percent for resale to count down.