Afternoon Tea (Scone geserveerd met jam en clotted cream, stukjes huis翻訳 - Afternoon Tea (Scone geserveerd met jam en clotted cream, stukjes huis英語言う方法

Afternoon Tea (Scone geserveerd met

Afternoon Tea (Scone geserveerd met jam en clotted cream, stukjes huisgemaakte taart, friandises, puntje quiche, vingersandwiches, en een grote pot thee ( smaak naar keuze).) € 17,50 per persoon
Backery Sweets Tea (Scone geserveerd met jam en clotted cream, stukjes huisgemaakte taart, brownie en een grote pot thee (smaak naar keuze).) € 13,50 per persoon
Bakkerswinkel Tea (Klein kopje soep, scone geserveerd met jam en clotted cream, stukjes huisgemaakte taart, friandises, vingersandwiches, glaasje fruitshake en een grote pot thee (smaak naar keuze).) € 19,25 per persoon
Royal Afternoon Tea (Klein kopje soep, carpaccio van gerookte zalm met en kruidensalade, scone geserveerd met jam en clotted cream, stukjes huisgemaakt taart, friandises, puntje quiche, vingersandwiches, glaasje fruitshake en een grote pot thee (smaak naar keuze). Met name voor de uitgebreidere arragementen adviseren wij u vooraf te reserveren.) € 28,95 per persoon
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]

Afternoon tea (scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, sweets, tip quiche, finger sandwiches, and a big pot of tea (flavor of choice).) € 17.50 per person
backery sweets tea (scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, brownie and a big pot of tea (flavor of choice).) € 13.50 per person
bakery tea (small cup of soup,scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, sweets, finger sandwiches, a glass of fruit shake and a big pot of tea (flavor of choice).) € 19.25 per person
royal afternoon tea (small cup of soup, carpaccio of smoked salmon with and herb salad, scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, sweets, tip quiche, finger sandwiches,glass of fruit shake and a big pot of tea (flavor of choice). particularly for the more extensive arrangements layered we advise you to book.) advance € 28.95 per person
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Afternoon Tea (Scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of home-made cake, candy, sandwiches, quiche, finger tip and a large pot of tea (flavor of your choice).) € 17.50 per person
Backery Sweets Tea (Scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of home-made cake, brownie and a large pot of tea (flavor of your choice).) € 13.50 per person
bakkerswinkel Tea (small cup of soup, scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of home-made cake, friandises, finger sandwiches, glass of fruit shake and a big pot of tea (flavor of your choice).) per person € 19.25
Royal Afternoon Tea (small cup of soup, carpaccio of smoked salmon with Herb Salad, scone and served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of home-made cake, candy, sandwiches, quiche, finger tip glass of fruit shake and a big pot of tea (flavor of your choice). Especially for the more extensive arrangements, we advise you to book in advance.) € 28,95 per person
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Afternoon Tea (Scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, candy, tip quiche, vingersandwiches, and a large pot of tea ( taste in choice) .) € 17.50 per person
Backery Sweets Tea (Scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, brownie and a large pot of tea (taste in choice) .) € 13.50 per person
Bakery Tea (small cup of soup,Scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cakes, petit fours, vingersandwiches, glass fruitshake and a large pot of tea (taste choice) .) € 19.25 per person
Royal Afternoon Tea (small cup of soup, carpaccio of smoked salmon with and of herb salad, scone served with jam and clotted cream, pieces of homemade cake, candy, tip quiche, vingersandwiches,Glass fruitshake and a large pot of tea (taste choice). In particular for the more extensive arragementen we advise you to book in advance.) € 28.95 per person
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