laat Mustapha Nakhli, de zaakwaarnemer van Ziyech, desgevraagd weten aan De Telegraaf. De 22-jarige Ziyech had namelijk een uitnodiging van de Marokkaanse bond op zak voor de oefenwedstrijden tegen Ivoorkust en Guinee, in oktober.
Let Mustapha Nakhli, the agent of Ziyech know, on request to the associated press. The 22-year-old Ziyech had an invitation of the Moroccan Association for the exhibition games against the Ivory Coast and Guinea, in October.
late Mustapha Nakhli, the agent of Ziyech, it be known to De Telegraaf. The 22-year-old Ziyech had in fact invited by the Moroccan federation pocket for the friendlies against Ivory Coast and Guinea, in October.
Let Ben Mustapha Nakhli, the trustees of Ziyech, on request to The Telegraph. The 22-year-old Ziyech had an invitation from the Moroccan bond on bag for the earn against Ivory Coast and Guinea, in october.