Cunningham Lindsey Netherlands has the form of the experience-organization changed. From 1 January 2015 is the experience-organization divided into two segments: the Expertise and Major labels & Complex Loss. The segmentation is the result of a international recast. The Major & Complex Loss (MCL) Global team now consists of international experts from MCL teams of all countries where Cunningham Lindsey is established. They are mainly concerned with cross-border, extensive and complex damages. has been a time to to the work. Patrick and I, since one year brands that submit the final accounts, which have gone over really CL. Today, Patrick again had a talk with Cunningham about a specific account (see below).He has agreed with Cunningham, that Cunningham first to instructions requires us before they go on the road with more than one expert.In addition, they plan their first action with us by speaking, if they think that their account higher that EUR 5.000.Personally, I think it is not necessary for our portfolio to Cunningham. We have enough alternatives to posts where we 1 l on. If you're not around them, can I ask you to keep a close eye on their costs. Love Patrick on the height if you encounter.Thanks in advance for your cooperation.