In dit ontwerp was helemaal volgens de afspraken tussen partijen o.a. 翻訳 - In dit ontwerp was helemaal volgens de afspraken tussen partijen o.a. 英語言う方法

In dit ontwerp was helemaal volgens

In dit ontwerp was helemaal volgens de afspraken tussen partijen o.a. voorzien dat:
Het appartement van partijen in Parijs volledig zou toekomen aan mevrouw Fukunishi, zonder enige vergoeding, aangezien zij de aankoop van dit appartement volledig met eigen gelden had gefinancierd.
De ½ eigendom van het appartement te Leuven zou worden toebedeeld aan de heer Beernaert, mits overname door hem van het saldo van de er nog op rustende hypothecaire lening KBC.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In this design, was completely according to the agreements between the parties, among other things, that:The apartment of parties in Paris to forward to Mrs Fukunishi would completely, without any fee, since they are buying this apartment completely had financed with private funds.The ½ would be given ownership of the apartment in Leuven to Mr Babu, provided that acquisition by him of the balance of the mortgage loan still on resting KBC.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This design was all fully equipped according to the agreements between the parties that:
. The apartment of Parties in Paris would accrue entirely to Mrs. Fukunishi, without any compensation, since they had financed the purchase of this apartment entirely with private funds
½ The ownership of the apartment in Leuven would be allocated to Mr Beernaert provided acquisition by him of the balance of the mortgage loan is still resting on KBC.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In this design was completely according to the agreements between the parties provided with that:
The apartment of parties in Paris was fully forward to mrs Fukunishi, without any compensation, since the purchase of the apartment had financed entirely from its own funds.
The ½ property of the apartment to Leuven would be assigned to mr Beernaert,Provided that acquisition by him of the balance of the mortgage loan to fulfill KBC.
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