Partijen traden destijds in het huwelijk te Leuven op 27 maart 2004, o翻訳 - Partijen traden destijds in het huwelijk te Leuven op 27 maart 2004, o英語言う方法

Partijen traden destijds in het huw

Partijen traden destijds in het huwelijk te Leuven op 27 maart 2004, onder het wettelijk huwelijksvermogensstelsel bij gebreke aan huwelijkscontract.
In 2011 maakte de heer Beernaert zijn intentie kenbaar, uit de echt te willen scheiden, omdat hij liever een partner had die hem wel kinderen kon schenken.
In dezelfde periode werd mevrouw Fukunishi geconfronteerd met de terminale ziekte van haar moeder 76-jaar oude moeder die in Japan leefde.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Parties at the time the marriage performed in Leuven on 27 March 2004, under the legal matrimonial regime in the absence of marriage contract.In 2011 the intentions are Mr Babu, from the really want to divorce because he would prefer a partner that could give him children had.In the same period was Mrs Fukunishi faced with the terminal illness of her mother, 76-year-old mother who lived in Japan.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Parties occurred at that time in the marriage in Leuven on March 27, 2004, under the statutory matrimonial property regime in the absence of marriage contract.
In 2011 the Mr. Beernaert his intentions, from wanting a divorce because he had rather a partner who could do him children bestow.
At the same time Mrs. Fukunishi was facing the terminal illness of her mother, 76-year-old mother who lived in Japan.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Parties were at that time in the marriage to Leuven at March 27, 2004, under the statutory huwelijksvermogensstelsel failing to groom.
In 2011 made known its intention mr Beernaert, from the really want to separate, because he would rather have a partner who could give him children.
In the same period was mrs Fukunishi faced with the terminal illness of her mother's 76-year old mother who lived in Japan.
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