Fenerbahce wint zonder KuytVan onze TelesportredactieZonder Dirk Kuyt 翻訳 - Fenerbahce wint zonder KuytVan onze TelesportredactieZonder Dirk Kuyt 英語言う方法

Fenerbahce wint zonder KuytVan onze

Fenerbahce wint zonder Kuyt

Van onze Telesportredactie
Zonder Dirk Kuyt heeft Fenerbahce dinsdagmiddag het bekerduel bij Bayburt Genclikspor gewonnen met 1-3. Pierre Webo scoorde voor rust twee keer voor Fenerbahce.
Al na twee minuten had Webo zijn eerste treffer op zijn naam staan. In de 34e minuut gevolgd door de tweede. Nog voor rust wist Bayburt Genclikspor de aansluitingstreffer te maken: 1-2. Kazim Seker benutte een strafschop nadat hij eerder in het duel er nog eentje had gemist.
In de 65e minuut besliste Mehmet Topuz de wedstrijd door de 3-1 te scoren.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Fenerbahce WINS without KuytOf our TelesportredactieWithout Dirk Kuyt has Fenerbahce won the Cup game Tuesday afternoon at Bayburt Genclikspor with 1-3. Pierre Webo scored twice before halftime for Fenerbahce.Webo had his first hit after two minutes to his name. In the 34th minute followed by the second. Still for rest to make the goal: Bayburt knew Genclikspor 1-2. Kazim Seker utilized a penalty kick after he had missed another one earlier in the game.In the 65th minute decided the match by the Mehmet Topuz 3-1 to score.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Fenerbahce wins without Kuyt From our Telesport Editors Without Dirk Kuyt has Fenerbahce Tuesday won the cup match at Bayburt Genclikspor 1-3. Pierre Webo scored twice before the break for Fenerbahce. After only two minutes Webo had his first hit to his name. 34 minutes followed by the second. For peace knew Bayburt Genclikspor make the tying goal: 1-2. Kazim Seker converted a penalty after he previously there had one missed in the game. After 65 minutes, Mehmet Topuz decided the game by scoring the 3-1.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Fenerbahce wins without Kuyt

Of our Telesportredactie
Without Dirk Kuyt has Fenerbahce Tuesday afternoon the bekerduel in Bayburt Genclikspor won with 1-3. Pierre Webo scored for rest twice for Fenerbahce.
already after two minutes had Webo are first hit on his name. In the 34TH minute followed by the second. Even for rest knew the aansluitingstreffer Bayburt Genclikspor to:1-2. Kazim Seker unused a player stands after he earlier in the duel there still had missed one.
In the 65TH minute Mehmet Topuz decided the competition by the 3-1 to score points.
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