De subspecies boisduvalii sluit èn haar kleur van male ond. èn door de grootte en kleur van het female bij de Sumatraanse aan. maar op groteren afstand dan in de vorige, want het Javaanse type heft zich sterk gedifferentieerd.
The subspecies boisduvalii connect and hair color of male ond. and by the size and color of the female at the Sumatran to. but on larger distance than in the previous one, because the Javanese type lifts itself strongly differentiated.
The subspecies boisduvalii closes and its color of male ond. and by the size and color of the female at the Sumatran. but cave distance than in the previous one, because the Javanese type disbands highly differentiated.
The subspecies boisduvalii connect both its color of male ond. As well as the size and color of the female at the Sumatraanse. but to entertain away than in the previous, because the Javanese type lifts are highly differentiated.